Forward progress continues on the Next Gen FSA initiative, and we continue to focus on updating existing products and adding new ones to improve the information and self-service options available to our customers.
On Dec. 6, 2020, we released a new version of the myStudentAid mobile app. This announcement summarizes some of the new and updated features available in the new version of the app.
Updated myStudentAid Mobile App
In 2018, we launched the myStudentAid mobile app and, for the first time, a mobile-responsive Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form that customers could access by using the app or their mobile browser.
As of Dec. 6, 2020, we are pleased to announce the release of a significant update to the myStudentAid mobile app. This update adds several features, improves functionality, and integrates the look and feel of the website into the mobile app. Key improvements include the following:
New features within the app – Several features are now available directly in the app. These features focus on key customer tasks and account functions with room to grow in the future. The app was redesigned using best practices in mobile app design and offers customers a personalized experience, improved navigation, and a streamlined experience. Create an Account, Aid Summary, Dashboard, Notification Center and User Settings are all new features that have now been incorporated into the mobile app.
FAFSA completion – Customers can now complete the 2021–22 FAFSA form in the mobile app.
Modernized look and feel – The design aligns with the website and offers a more consistent view of Federal Student Aid’s brand across platforms.
Customers who downloaded a previous version of the app will either receive the update automatically or will be prompted to download the new version, depending on their mobile device settings.
Additional Tools and Features Launching in 2021
Throughout 2021, additional tools and features will be introduced to improve our customers’ understanding of and interactions with the Title IV aid programs. Details about new tools and features will be provided in forthcoming Electronic Announcements posted on the Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) website. We will also share information about the Next Gen FSA initiative through partner emails, social media posts, and targeted outreach campaigns to ensure everyone knows what to expect going forward.
We appreciate your interest and support as we implement the Next Gen FSA initiative.