Posted Date:July 22, 2010
Author: | Phillip Wynn, Manager, Network Support Services Group, Enterprise, Information Technology Services, Federal Student Aid |
Subject: Beta Test Volunteers Needed for New TDClient Versions
We are recruiting schools and servicers to participate in the beta test of TDClient for the operating systems/platforms listed below:
- Sun Solaris
- AS400
TDClient is one of the software products used by Federal Student Aid and its partners to send and receive Title IV data transmissions securely over the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG). The software is one element of an integrated solution for file transfer from one SAIG destination point to another.
Beta testing is scheduled for September 9-10, 2010 and September 20-24, 2010.
During the beta test, participants will be given access to an in-development version of the TDClient software, replicate typical usage of the software in a mock-production environment, report any problems encountered, and submit a summary report detailing test findings and software suggestions for our analysis.
If you are interested in being considered as a beta test participant, please send an e-mail to and with the subject line "Attention: TDClient Beta Testing" and provide the following information no later than August 6, 2010:- School name and TG Number
- Primary and secondary testing contact names, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses
- Platform or operating system
- FTP download capability (i.e., can you upload and download files from an FTP server?)
We will contact all beta test volunteers by August 13, 2010. If your school is selected for participation, further information will be provided by e-mail at that time.
We appreciate your interest in TDClient and the SAIG and look forward to hearing from you.