DCLPublicationDate: 10/1/99 DCLID: GEN-99-34 AwardYear: 2000-2001 Summary: This letter introduces the new enrollment document for the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG). SAIG, a server based mailbox application, is replacing the Title IV Wide Area Network's (TIV WANs) mainframe based store and forward mailboxing system. This document is to be used for enrolling and updating information for SAIG. This document can be used by postsecondary institutions, third party servicers, software providers, lenders, and guaranty agencies. This document can be used immediately and should be used to enroll for the first time or update enrollment information that has not been previously submitted. Action Letter # 5 October 1999 GEN-99-34 Summary: This letter introduces the new enrollment document for the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG). SAIG, a server based mailbox application, is replacing the Title IV Wide Area Network's (TIV WANs) mainframe based store and forward mailboxing system. This document is to be used for enrolling and updating information for SAIG. This document can be used by postsecondary institutions, third party servicers, software providers, lenders, and guaranty agencies. This document can be used immediately and should be used to enroll for the first time or update enrollment information that has not been previously submitted. Dear Partners: The Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) is the U.S. Department of Education's (ED's) vehicle for electronically transmitting and receiving data on financial aid programs authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act. The following Student Financial Aid (SFA) Programs systems use SAIG for data transmission: Central Processing System (CPS) Federal Direct Loan Program National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) Campus-based Title IV programs for FISAP Pell Grant Recipient Financial Management System (RFMS) More information on how SAIG supports the data transmission functions can be found in the attached enrollment document. Beginning in October 1999, ED will begin using the attached enrollment document for all new participants on the Student Aid Internet Gateway *1*. Current SAIG users should use this document to update information about their enrollment on the SAIG. Enrollment on SAIG is a separate process from the one that establishes a school's eligibility to participate in the Federal Title IV student financial aid programs. The name of the document that you should use to establish eligibility is titled "Application for Approval to Participate in Federal Student Aid Programs." If you would like to obtain a copy of this document please call 202-260-3270 or request via e-mail at IPOS@ed.gov. The enclosed enrollment document replaces three forms: the Customer Initiation Document, the Letter of Application, and the Participation Agreement. These three forms will no longer be accepted after October 1999. TIV WAN customer service will return these forms to you along with the new enrollment document for your completion. Who can use this enrollment document? This enrollment document can be used by postsecondary institutions, third-party servicers, software providers, lenders, and guaranty agencies. Others must have approval from the U.S. Department of Education to enroll on the SAIG. How does the enrollment process work? Under the new enrollment process, individuals working at schools, servicers, software providers and agencies are identified as destination point administrators (DPA's) for the SAIG destination points (mailboxes with TG numbers for addresses) assigned to their organization. The enrollment process operates on the premise that DPAs are responsible for maintaining a SAIG User Statement (Attachment B of enrollment document) for each person given access to a destination point. Current SAIG destination point administrators must collect and maintain SAIG User Statements (Attachment B of enrollment document) from all individuals who have access to SAIG mailboxes. In addition to processing and maintaining the User Statements, the destination point administrator (DPA) must enter a profile for each user in the EDconnect software (see EDconnect Help Text). These instructions are only for PC or combo schools using EDconnect to transmit data. Please read and carefully follow the instructions for the enrollment document. Even if you have no new enrollment information to submit to SAIG at this time, User Statements and profiles must be created and maintained by the DPA. How many destination point administrators with destination points should a school have? In general, each organization is limited to one destination point (DP) for each of the functions that can be accessed over the SAIG (such as submitting correction transactions to the CPS, receipt of ISIRs, Pell Grant payment reporting, etc.), but there are some exceptions. For example, two destination points can transmit initial student application data and schools may have an unlimited number of destination point administrators with their own mailboxes to access NSLDS data on-line. You must make the determination of the appropriate number of destination points that will meet your needs. You should review the introductory language of the attached enrollment document for an explanation of how enrollment on the SAIG works and the number of destination points allowed for each function. When will this new enrollment document be implemented? This new enrollment document will be implemented October 1999. Do not use this form to resubmit any information already sent to SAIG. The new enrollment document can be used immediately and should be used to enroll for the first time or update enrollment information that has not been previously submitted. Effective immediately, all SAIG destination point administrators must complete and maintain SAIG User Statements (Attachment B) and create user profiles using the EDconnect software (see EDconnect Help Text) for each person given access to a destination point on the SAIG. The EDconnect instructions are only for PC and combo schools that use EDconnect to transmit data. When can an institution or third-party servicer enroll in SAIG? Eligible institutions and organizations may enroll in SAIG or update information at any time. However, new institutions or organizations seeking access to services for 2000-2001 that they do not currently access should complete the form as soon as possible so that all Title IV student applicant files are received. For example, institutional enrollment in Central Processing System (CPS) is automatically continued each award year. However, institutions not currently enrolled to receive financial aid application data services through the CPS should enroll by January 14, 2000 to capture all 2000-2001 ISIR student records. When should SAIG enrollment information be updated? An enrollment document should be submitted with corrected or new information whenever the services accessed need to be amended (see General Information section of enrollment document). The enrollment document should also be used to update information about any of the destination point administrators. Similarly, if a school becomes newly eligible to participate in the Federal Direct Loan Program or an organization wants to change the individual who is the destination point administrator for a SAIG mailbox, the enclosed enrollment document should be used. When the enrollment document is used to submit changes or updates, all parts must be completed of each question being answered. Even if your organization has no new enrollment information to submit at this time, all SAIG users should read this entire package carefully. Is there an electronic version of the enrollment document? Currently the new enrollment document is available as a document that can be downloaded and printed from ED's Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) web site found at http:\ ED is developing a new web site that will support electronic enrollment and submission of SAIG enrollment data. The availability of this web site will be announced on ED's IFAP web site. If you have any questions concerning SAIG enrollment, please call Title IV WAN customer service at 800-615-1189. Sincerely, Greg Woods Chief Operating Officer Student Financial Assistance Attachment |