Enclosure B

Procedures to Request Renewal FAFSA Data

Who may participate in the Renewal Application process?

To participate in the Renewal Application process via the Electronic Data Exchange (EDE), your school must:

Have completed and filed an Enrollment Document with Title IV WAN Customer Service that requests specific services for an EDE process (such as receiving electronic automatic ISIRS);
Have an active enrollment status for your Federal school code, which means you have correctly indicated on your Title IV WAN Enrollment Document the Federal school code you plan to use to perform the specific EDE processes;
Ensure your Federal school code has an active enrollment status for Renewal Applications. Your enrollment status would be designated on your school’s participation agreement with Title IV WAN Customer Service;
Be set up to receive electronic automatic ISIRs or electronic Renewal Applications for the 2000-2001 academic year for the destination point ID (TG#) you use to submit your Renewal Application Destination (RAD) data request.

You should contact Title IV WAN Customer Service at 800/615-1189 if you wish to verify or update your status for electronic automatic ISIRs or Renewal Applications. If your school is not properly enrolled for Renewal Applications, you will receive error messages or rejected batches, or both, when you submit a RAD request.

How do I submit a RAD request?

Once your school's destination point is properly set up to receive RAD files, there are three ways to submit a RAD for the 2001-2002 processing cycle:

1) You can build an ASCII file of Social Security Numbers (SSNs) and Name IDs and transmit this file to the CPS via the SAIG (Student Aid Internet Gateway). This type of RAD request (by SSN and Name ID) is also known as a “Type 2 Request.” If you choose this method to submit your RAD request, you must follow the “Type 2 Request Individual RAD Records” record layouts (see Enclosure H). The CPS cannot process RAD requests submitted in any other file format type. You should use the message class of RADD02IN for your RAD Request File when you transmit it to the CPS via the Title IV WAN.

Please note the following:

EDconn32, the SAIG transmission software, will not check your RAD Request file to ensure correct formatting. We suggest you double-check your file prior to transmission to confirm that it is formatted correctly (see Enclosure F for helpful formatting tips);
You MUST include the Transmitted Message Header and Trailer records within the ASCII file you build;
Do not use last year's dates, record layouts, or blank lines within your Type 2 file;
Enter all alphabetical information in capital letters (ALL CAPS) throughout the file;
If you want the CPS to print and mail your Renewal FAFSAs to your school at a different address than the one associated with your Title IV WAN destination point ID (TG#), include the RAD Request Address 1 and Address 2 records in your request file(s);
If you are requesting PIN mailers for your students instead of Renewal FAFSAs, you do NOT need to include the RAD Request Address 1 and Address 2 records in your request file(s). The CPS will send PIN mailers directly to the students you designate on your RAD request files.

2) You can create a customized RAD request file using On-Line Query. Refer to Enclosure D for instructions on logging into On-Line Query via EDconn32. Once you are logged on, and the NCS logo screen is displayed, refer to the directions in Enclosure E for making your request.

3) NEW: You can use the Renewal Applications for Windows 2001-2002, Version 1.0 software to create Type 2 RAD Requests. Please note the following:

You can only submit Type 2 RAD requests using this software. If you wish to submit a Type 1 (all records for destination point), Type 3 (all records for particular institutions), or Type 4 (all records by college grade level) request, you must use On-Line Query;
Renewal Applications for Windows Version 1.0 can also be used to import RAD data files and RAD error files, and to print paper Renewal FAFSAs and RAD data reports;
For more information on using Renewal Applications for Windows, Version 1.0, please consult the Cover Letter and Installation Guide released with the software on the SFAdownload Web site (
http://www.fsadownload.ed.gov) available mid-October 2000.

What are the key dates I need to remember?

Schools can begin submitting 2001-2002 RAD requests to the CPS on October 2, 2000 using one of the options described above. You may enter and submit 2001-2002 Renewal FAFSA data to the CPS using EDExpress, mainframe, or other software starting in January 2001.

If you submit your RAD request between October 2 and October 27, 2000, you must designate if you want the CPS to print and mail Renewal FAFSAs to your school(s) or if you want the CPS to print and send PIN mailers to your students. You must also indicate if you want the CPS to send an electronic RAD file to your school.

After October 27, 2000, you can only receive the electronic RAD file. You will no longer be able to request that CPS print and mail paper Renewal FAFSAs to your school, nor will you be able to request PIN Mailers be sent to your students. If you prefer not be obligated to print, distribute or perform data entry on the Renewal FAFSA data, wait until after October 27, 2000 to request your electronic RAD file.

What’s the difference between CPS print and non-CPS print?

1) If you choose the CPS print option, the CPS will print your Renewal FAFSAs and mail them to your school, along with return envelopes and instruction booklets. If you choose this option, you must distribute all Renewal FAFSAs that you receive. You can also decide whether to receive an electronic RAD file in addition to the CPS print option.

2) If you choose to receive an electronic RAD file, but decline the CPS print option, you must print and distribute the Renewal FAFSAs for all students in the electronic RAD file.

Note: You can use the new Renewal Applications for Windows 2001-2002, Version 1.0 software to print your Renewal FAFSAs.

You must also enter and transmit all Renewal FAFSA data returned to you by students, using 2001-2002 EDExpress, Version 7.0 (due for release in mid-December 2000), a mainframe system, or a third party software. The FAFSA processor is unable to process paper Renewal FAFSAs that are not printed by the CPS.

When will I be able to access my Renewal Application data files?

The CPS will begin processing 2001-2002 RAD requests on October 9, 2000, and will continue to process requests daily through October 27, 2000.

Note: Your RAD request must be transmitted and completely received by CPS no later than 5:00 PM October 27, 2000.

The CPS will return your processed RAD data (if you choose to receive the electronic RAD file) or any RAD Error Import Files to your destination point via the SAIG.

Note: You can import your RAD File and/or RAD Error Import File into the new Renewal Applications for Windows 2001-2002, Version 1.0 software, your mainframe system, or third party software.

The message class for processed RAD data is RADD02OP. The message class for RAD error files is EREP02OP.

The CPS will not process requests for RAD data files submitted after October 27, 2000 until after the CPS 2001-2002 processing start-up in January 2001.

Who do I contact if I have questions on the RAD Request process?

Throughout the RAD request process you may contact either Title IV WAN Customer Service or CPS Customer Service for assistance. The following list of services will explain which Customer Service department to contact for assistance:

Title IV WAN Customer Service (800/615-1189 or T4WAN@NCS.COM) can assist you with:
Logging on to On-Line Query via Net*Connect, or compatible communications software
Distribution of software, including EDconn32 and EDExpress
Updates or status checks on EDE productional status
Downloading the RADD and EREP data files from the SAIG
Technical support for EDconn32 and Net*Connect software
Downloading the Renewal Applications for Windows, Version 1.0 software from the SFAdownload Web site (when it is available in October 2000)

CPS Customer Service (1-800-330-5947, Option 2, or CPS@NCS.COM) can assist you with:
Making your RAD request once logged on to On-Line Query
Questions on the Type 2 layout
Status checks on RAD requests
General inquiries on RAD request process
Technical support for EDExpress - importing and printing RAD records
Correction and resubmission of rejected RAD requests
Installation and use of the Renewal Applications for Windows, Version 1.0 software once it is downloaded from the SFAdownload Web site (available mid-October 2000)

You can also send your RAD request process questions to us on SFATECH. SFATECH is an email listserv for technical questions about the Department's SFA systems, software, and mainframe products. For more information about SFATECH, including instructions for subscribing, go to