FAFSA Issue Alerts

This page follows issues related to the FAFSA form that the Department has identified and those it has resolved. Stakeholders should bookmark this page as we update it frequently.

Technical FAQ and Known Issues Guide

Information specific to production ISIRs is available in the Technical FAQ and Known Issues Guide* (last updated Jan. 13, 2025).

FAFSA Form Issue Alerts

For issue alerts related to the FAFSA form, continue reading below. The list of issues impacts both the 2024-25 and 2025-26 cycles, unless otherwise noted.

Go to Open FAFSA Form Issues section

Go to Open FAFSA Submission Summary Issues section

Go to Open FAFSA Corrections Issues section

Go to Open Other FAFSA Issues section

Go to Resolved FAFSA Form Issues section

Go to Resolved FAFSA Submission Summary Issues section

Go to Resolved FAFSA Corrections Issues section


Open Issues



Status: Open

Description: When searching for a school from the FAFSA form, the full name of a school may not be displayed on the screen. In the case of a school with multiple programs or locations, this makes it difficult for a user to know which entry to select.

Workaround: The user can search by Federal School Code instead of by School Name to identify the correct school entry. School codes can be located via Internet search.

Status: Open

Description: Graduate students who are notified of having a Pell-eligible Estimated Student Aid Index (SAI) after submitting a FAFSA form are shown an incorrect message stating they may be eligible for a specific Federal Pell Grant amount. Although a graduate student could have an SAI that is Pell-eligible, the graduate student is ineligible to receive a Federal Pell Grant and should not receive the incorrect message.

Workaround: A graduate student who receives the incorrect message should be advised to disregard the message as graduate students are ineligible to receive Federal Pell Grants.

Status: Open

Description: In the case of a user who is married and has filed jointly (Married Filing Jointly), the user must enter the spouse’s personally identifiable information but does not need to invite the spouse to contribute to the FAFSA form. If the user changes the marital status response to Married Filing Separately after the spouse information has already been entered, the user is not shown the page to invite the spouse even though an invitation is now required to capture the spouse’s financial information.

Workaround: Impacted customers should log in to StudentAid.gov, navigate to My Activity, and select “Edit Contributor Information” and then “Update Information”. Re-entering the spouse’s information will effectively remove and re-add the contributor, allowing an invitation to be sent.

Status: Open

Description: If the mailing address section on the Student Identity and Information page is blank on a student’s FAFSA form, it means the student does not have an address stored in the StudentAid.gov account system.

Workaround: Impacted customers should go to Account Settings, navigate to the Contact Information page, select the terms and conditions checkbox, and click save. These actions associate the student’s address that appears under Settings with the account. Once the student navigates back to the FAFSA form, the mailing address will populate on the Student Identity and Information page.

Status: Open

Description: When a student attempts to invite a parent to contribute to the FAFSA form, and the parent has a foreign address but also does not have a Social Security number (SSN), the student encounters an error message at the top of the page that reads “Unable to Complete This Action”. This error prevents the student from inviting the parent contributor to the form.

Workaround:  If the contributor does not yet have a StudentAid.gov account, they should complete the create account process for individuals without an SSN, and enter their foreign mailing address normally. Once the account is created, students initiating a FAFSA form who need to invite a contributor who does not have an SSN and has a foreign address should enter five zeroes (“00000”) in the Postal Code field when entering the address for their contributor on the invitation. Parents that initiate a FAFSA form for a student who has a foreign address should also enter five zeroes (“00000”) in the Postal Code field on the invitation.

Status: Open

Description: If a student with no Social Security number (SSN) starts the FAFSA form but saves and exits before answering the “State of Legal Residency” question, the student will be unable to continue the application later. The student will no longer see the FAFSA draft in “My Activity” and will be unable to start a new FAFSA, as the student will see a message that a FAFSA is already on file.

Workaround: On 10/27/24, the Department completed a data clean up to remove transactions that were impacted by this issue and could not be completed. With this update, students who experienced this issue in the past should now be able to start a new application and submit their form. Students can still encounter this issue if, going forward, they exit the form before answering the State of Legal Residency question. Applicants that experience the issue can complete a paper FAFSA form.

Status: Open

Description: All users without a Social Security number (SSN), including those with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), must manually enter their financial information in the FAFSA form due to an issue that prevents financial information for those users from being pulled into the FAFSA form. We still encourage all impacted users to enter an ITIN, if they have one.

Workaround: There is currently no workaround to this issue. Once a permanent fix is identified and implemented, the Department will attempt to retrieve federal tax information (FTI) for an affected user via the direct data exchange with the IRS and will reprocess the FAFSA, as necessary, to reflect any changes. There is currently no estimated timeline for resolution of this issue.

Status: Open

Description: Students with no Social Security number (SSN) who start the online FAFSA form and select a Freely Associated State (Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of the Marshall Islands, or Republic of Palau) as their State of Legal Residence have a pseudo-SSN generated in their form. If the student returns to the Student Residency page and changes their legal residence to a state other than a Freely Associated State, they are continuously looped back to the page upon reaching the end of the application, but no errors display. This issue also occurs for users who have created a StudentAid.gov account without an SSN and indicate they are a citizen of a Freely Associated State, but then select a state other than a Freely Associated State as their legal residence.

Workaround: On 10/27/24, the Department completed a data clean up to remove transactions that were impacted by this issue and could not be completed. With this update, students who experienced this issue in the past should now be able to start a new application and submit their form. Students can still encounter this issue if, going forward, they enter their legal residence as one of the Freely Associated States and then change their legal residence to a state other than a Freely Associated State. The Department is working to implement a long-term fix that will fully resolve the issue. Impacted customers should change their State of Legal Residence back if it was changed inadvertently. Alternately, if the student now has a valid SSN, they should update their SSN in their account settings and then re-enter the FAFSA form.


FAFSA Submission Summary

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Status: Open

Description: If a student has missing family size information on the FAFSA form, the form may be submitted but the student’s SAI is not calculated and does not display on the FAFSA confirmation email. Currently, the FAFSA confirmation email does not show why the SAI has not been calculated (i.e., due to missing family size information).

Workaround: In this case, the FAFSA form did not properly collect the parent household size. The parent should initiate a correction to input their family size information manually. The parent should navigate to the financial section and select YES to the question “Has your family size changed since you last filed your taxes?” and then manually enter their family size number. Once the parent has made this change, the parent can submit the correction and the student’s SAI will be calculated.


FAFSA Corrections

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Status: Open

Description: In some cases, when an applicant is completing a correction, the values previously entered into the assets fields (e.g., total of cash, savings, and checking accounts) are removed from the correction and the user is asked to provide them again. If the student is dependent, the parent(s) may also be prompted to make a correction to their section of the form and provide asset information. Similarly, if the parent starts a correction to their section of the form, they may be asked to provide their asset information again. It may also trigger a required action for the student to provide assets again in their section.


The user (whether student or parent) should re-enter the values in the assets fields, sign, and submit. If the student is dependent and on the Section Complete page they see messaging displayed that indicates their parent must also take action to correct their section of the form, the parent should also log in to re-enter the values in the parent assets fields.

The parent (or the student, if the parent starts the correction) may not see messaging in the form telling them what needs to be fixed. After the user logs in to StudentAid.gov, they should select the FAFSA form correction that is in 'Draft' status. On the Section Summary view, they should select “Enter Section” next to the Financials section, navigate to the Assets page to provide asset information, and then continue on to sign, and submit the correction.

Status: Open

Description: When a student has a FAFSA correction that is in 'Draft' status they are unable to view their FAFSA Submission Summary, including those for past transactions, under the My Activity section of their dashboard. The FAFSA Submission Summary is only accessible from the FAFSA Form Details page. However, users with a correction in ‘Draft’ status are prevented from accessing their FAFSA Submission Summary.

Workaround: Users who are experiencing this issue should either submit or delete the current FAFSA form correction that is in ‘Draft’ status. They can then view their FAFSA Submission Summary.

Status: Open

Description: An issue sometimes occurs when Parent and/or Parent Spouse contributors are invited to participate in the student’s FAFSA form after an initial application was already processed. The Parent is able to accept the student’s invitation to participate and fill out the Parent section of the form, but they are unable to add, change, or delete the personally identifiable information (PII) for the Parent Spouse. However, the PII that the user sees for the Parent Spouse is often missing or incorrect because the “My spouse does not have an SSN” checkbox is (incorrectly) pre-filled. If the user changes the PII for the Parent Spouse and tries to continue, they will see an error message that they are unable to complete the action and should exit the FAFSA form.


For parent: Select ‘Exit Form’ in the error message and navigate back to the My Activity FAFSA Form Details page. If the form status displays to the parent as “Action Required” due to a missing signature, the parent should make a correction to provide the signature, navigate to the end of the form, and submit the correction. If the form status displays to the parent as “In Progress”, the student should log in to make the correction (see below).

For student: Log in to StudentAid.gov and select the FAFSA form. From the top navigation menu, select the “FAFSA Menu” button and then select “Review Answers”. At the bottom of the summary view, they should select “Provide Contributor Information” to enter the Parent Financial section. Navigate to the “Invite Parent Spouse or Partner” page by selecting “Continue”. The student should then make updates to the Parent Spouse PII, as needed, and submit the correction.

Status: Open

Description: When users attempt to add a school to their FAFSA form using the Search School by Code interface, it is possible for them to enter a Federal School Code (FSC) that is invalid. The user will also not be given any messaging indicating that the school code they are using is no longer valid. If the user enters an invalid school code, an inactive school will appear in the search results, allowing the user to add the inactive school to their FAFSA form. Consequently, this causes an issue with processing the record, resulting in the user’s form not being sent to their intended school.

Workaround: Users should use the Search by School Name interface to search and find a valid school to add to their application.

Status: Open

Description: When a user starts a FAFSA correction and chooses to edit or change their answers in the form, they are unable to directly navigate to the “High School Status Completion” page.

  • If the user originally indicated a high school diploma and entered a high school name, after they complete the “Parent Killed in Line of Duty” page, they are skipped past the “Student High School Completion” page and instead taken to the “Confirm Your High School” page.

  • If the user did not indicate a high school diploma on their original application, after they complete the “Parent Killed in Line of Duty” page, they are skipped past the “Student High School Completion” page and instead taken to the “Student Financials” page.

Workaround: The user should select the “Previous” button from either the “Confirm Your High School” page or the “Student Financials” page to navigate to the “Student High School Completion Status” page and make any necessary changes.

Status: Open

Description: Students can add additional schools to a processed FAFSA correction, even if the correction transaction was initiated by an FAA via the FAFSA Partner Portal (FPP) and contains a professional judgment flag. Transactions that have been generated by corrections made via the FPP should not be available to students to add additional schools.

Workaround: There is currently no workaround for this issue. Students can remove the added schools from the correction.

Status: Open

Description: Users attempting to correct a FAFSA form that has been processed with a Professional Judgment are unable to submit a correction. Users experiencing this issue do not see any error messages appear on the Sign and Submit page, and nothing happens when the user clicks the submit button.

Workaround: Users cannot submit a correction. Instead, they can follow up with the college or career school’s financial aid office that completed the professional judgment and request that a financial aid administrator (FAA) submit a correction for them.

Status: Open

Description: In some cases, dependent students and their parents or independent students with spouses are unable to submit a FAFSA correction when the combined adjusted gross income of the marital unit exceeds a set threshold. Assets should be provided in this scenario; however, the values entered in the asset fields are not being saved to the form. When these users attempt to complete and submit their correction, they are prompted to fill in the student or parent assets questions but are then looped back to the Assets page. These users are unable to submit an online correction.

Workaround: Students and their contributors who encounter this issue may reach out to their college or career school’s financial aid office and request that a financial aid administrator (FAA) submit a correction for them. If the student or their contributor is not required to report assets per the criteria under the law, the FAA may correct the asset values reported to "0".


Other FAFSA Issues

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Status: Open

Description: Users who provided an incorrect date of birth when creating their StudentAid.gov account are blocked from updating their date of birth in account settings.

Workaround: Users cannot update the date of birth on the account. To fix this, the individual will need to: 1. Invalidate their current StudentAid.gov account; and 2. Complete the process to create a new account without a Social Security number.

Before creating the new account, the individual should log in to StudentAid.gov using their current account username and password and navigate to the account settings. On the Personal Information page, the individual should remove their last name. Select “Apply Changes” and then select “Yes” from the warning message about continuing with a blank last name.

On the Contact Information page, update the information so they can reuse it when creating a new account.

  • Replace the email address with another valid address. We recommend entering an address the contributor does not intend to use for StudentAid.gov. The same email address cannot be used on both the current account and the new account that will be created.

  • Uncheck “Yes, I would like to use my mobile phone for account recovery” if already selected and delete the mobile phone number.

  • Check the box to agree to the terms and conditions, and then select “Apply Changes.”

  • On the next screen, follow the prompts to verify the new email address. Click “Continue” to complete the changes.

After invalidating their account, the individual must create a new StudentAid.gov account using the correct personal information.


Resolved Issues



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Status: Resolved

Previous Description: Each time a parent re-enters a saved 2024-25 FAFSA form, the Country previously entered by the parent does not carry over. The parent receives no error message to explain this situation and is prevented from completing and submitting the form until the parent completes the “Country” question.

Previous Workaround: Despite receiving no error message, the parent should be able to easily identify the blank “Country” question and re-add the information to allow form submission.

Resolution: Each time a parent re-enters a saved 2024-25 FAFSA form, the Country previously entered by the parent carries over.

Status: Resolved

Previous Description: If a parent contributor manually enters a value for “Income Tax Paid” that is greater than the parent’s “AGI” on the 2024-25 FAFSA form, the parent will be shown a validation page to confirm if this is accurate. If the parent opts to confirm this is accurate and continues without changing these values, the FAFSA form will later be unable to be submitted.

Previous Workaround: If the parent’s Income Tax Paid is truly greater than the parent’s AGI, there is currently no workaround to this issue. The parent will be able to submit the 2024-25 FAFSA form online once the issue is resolved. The student can complete and sign the student’s section of the form.

Resolution: A parent can now manually enter a value for “Income Tax Paid” that is greater than the parent’s “AGI” on the 2024-25 FAFSA form. A parent who was previously prevented from doing so can re-enter the student’s saved 2024-25 FAFSA form and complete and sign the parent section of the form.

Status: Resolved

Previous Description: If a user invites a parent or spouse who does not already have an FSA ID account to contribute to a 2024-25 FAFSA form and that contributor attempts to create an account before the contributor’s Social Security Administration (SSA) Match changes from Pending to Full Match, the contributor receives no error message explaining this situation and is prevented from proceeding past Step 3 of the Create an Account page on StudentAid.gov.

Previous Workaround: The parent or spouse contributor can delete the Mailing Address entered on the Create an Account page and then proceed. The contributor’s address can be added to the account via Settings after the account has been created.

Resolution: A parent or spouse contributor to a 2024-25 FAFSA form who does not have an FSA ID account and who attempts to create an account before the contributor’s SSA Match changes from Pending to Full Match, can now fully do so. A parent or spouse contributor who was previously prevented from creating an account can return to the Create an Account page on StudentAid.gov and complete the action.

Status: Resolved

Previous Description: If a student or parent is married and filed jointly with the current spouse, the student or parent must enter the spouse’s personally identifiable information but does not need to invite the spouse to contribute to the 2024-25 FAFSA form. If the spouse does not have a Social Security number (SSN), the student or parent will be unable to complete and submit the FAFSA form.

Previous Workaround: There is currently no workaround to this issue. The student or parent will be able to complete and submit the 2024-25 FAFSA form online once the issue is resolved.

Resolution: A student or parent who is married and filed jointly with the current spouse can now enter a spouse who does not have a Social Security number (SSN) in the 2024-25 FAFSA form. A student or parent who was previously prevented from adding the spouse’s information can now complete and submit the FAFSA form.

Status: Resolved

Previous Description: Contributors invited to an existing 2024-25 FAFSA form cannot enter the application from the Roles page. If a parent attempts to enter an invited form by selecting the Parent Role and entering the student’s information, the parent receives an error message stating the parent is “unauthorized to act on behalf of the student since they already have a 24-25 FAFSA form”.

Previous Workaround: FAFSA contributors may log in to StudentAid.gov to access the form via Dashboard or in My Activity. Once logged in to StudentAid.gov, the contributor also has the option to click on the link in the invitation email to be taken to the right place.

Resolution: A parent who attempts to enter an existing 2024-25 FAFSA form by selecting the Parent Role and entering the student’s information will now receive updated messaging that indicates a form already exists for the student and directs the parent to the “My Activity” section to access the form.

Status: Resolved

Previous Description: If a student who is a citizen initially selects "Eligible noncitizen" on the 2024-25 FAFSA form, enters an “A-Number” when prompted, and completes the demographic section, the student is prevented from completing the form even after the student changes the citizenship status response to "U.S. citizen or national". In this situation, the A-Number is not removed from the form and the student cannot proceed beyond the “Select Colleges” question. The student receives no error message to explain this situation and is prevented from completing and submitting the form.

Previous Workaround: The student can delete the existing application and then start a new 2024-25 FAFSA form online.

Resolution: A student who is a citizen and initially selects "Eligible noncitizen" on the 2024-25 FAFSA form will now be able to complete the form after the student changes the citizenship status response to "U.S. citizen or national".

Status: Resolved

Previous Description: If a student who is a citizen initially selects "Eligible noncitizen" on the 2024-25 FAFSA form, enters an “A-Number” when prompted, and completes the demographic section, the student is prevented from completing the form even after the student changes the citizenship status response to "U.S. citizen or national". In this situation, the A-Number is not removed from the form and the student cannot proceed beyond the “Select Colleges” question. The student receives no error message to explain this situation and is prevented from completing and submitting the form.

Previous Workaround: The student can delete the existing application and then start a new 2024-25 FAFSA form online.

Resolution: A student who is a citizen and initially selects "Eligible noncitizen" on the 2024-25 FAFSA form will now be able to complete the form after the student changes the citizenship status response to "U.S. citizen or national".

Status: Resolved

Previous Description: If a parent with no Social Security number (SSN) starts the 2024-25 FAFSA form for a student, the parent will receive an error message on the “Student Information” page. This incorrect error message states that the user is “unauthorized to act on behalf of the student since they already have a 24-25 FAFSA form” even if the student has not started an application. A parent with no SSN also is not able to contribute to the form, even if the student starts the application and invites the parent to contribute.

Previous Workaround: There is currently no workaround for a parent without an SSN. A student may start the application, but the parent will not be able to contribute the parent information. The student and parent will be able to complete the 2024-25 FAFSA form online once the issue is resolved.

Resolution: A parent with no SSN is now able to access the student’s 2024-25 FAFSA form after being invited.

There is no longer a need for students to use the tips FSA previously published in How To Submit the 2024–25 FAFSA® Form if Your Contributor Doesn’t Have an SSN as a workaround. As a reminder, these instructions will result in an incomplete FAFSA submission that must be corrected at a later date.

Note: A related issue previously resulted in a contributor with no SSN and no existing FSA ID being unable to see the FAFSA form to which the contributor was invited on the Dashboard/My Activity page. This resulted in the contributor being unable to access that form. That issue also is resolved.

Status: Resolved

Previous Description: From the start of the soft launch period through Jan. 5, 2024, some students who searched from the 2024-25 FAFSA form for a school to enter on the FAFSA were presented with a Federal School Code associated with that school that had previously been deactivated. There was no way for the student to know that a deactivated Federal School Code had been selected, and the student submitted the 2024-25 FAFSA with the deactivated Federal School Code. On Jan. 6, 2024, we implemented a fix to prevent deactivated Federal School Codes from being presented to students on the 2024-25 FAFSA from that date forward.

Previous Workaround: There is no workaround for a student who submitted a 2024-25 FAFSA prior to Jan. 6, 2024 and included one or more deactivated Federal School Codes; however, the issue will be resolved with transmission of the student’s 2024-25 FAFSA results to schools and re-notification to the student.

In many cases, a deactivated Federal School Code will cross-reference to the correct Federal School Code within the system and will be sent automatically in the Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) to a school’s active Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) mailbox. If there is no cross-reference to the correct Federal School Code within the system, the Federal School Code will be set to all zeroes and the student will be instructed in the subsequent FAFSA Submission Summary to update the student’s 2024-25 FAFSA via the FAFSA Corrections process.

Resolution: This issue has been resolved for a student who submitted a 2024-25 FAFSA prior to Jan. 6, 2024 and included one or more deactivated Federal School Codes.

  • In many cases, transmission of the student’s 2024-25 FAFSA results to schools and re-notification to the student result in a deactivated Federal School Code cross-referencing to the correct Federal School Code within the system and being sent automatically in the Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) to a school’s active Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) mailbox.

  • If there is no cross-reference to the correct Federal School Code within the system, the Federal School Code will be set to all zeroes and the student will be instructed in the subsequent FAFSA Submission Summary to update the student’s 2024-25 FAFSA via the FAFSA Corrections process.

Status: Resolved

Previous Description: On the “Parent Tax Filing Status” page of the 2024-25 FAFSA form, a parent selects the parent’s tax filing status. If a parent who has a foreign legal residence (Foreign Country, Canada, Mexico, Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, or Republic of Palau) selects that the parent did not or will not file taxes due to earning no income, the parent is prevented from proceeding past the Financials Section. Instead of allowing the parent to navigate to the review page, the parent will be continuously redirected back to the “Parent 2022 Tax Return Information” page without receiving an error message.

Previous Workaround: There is currently no workaround to this issue. The parent will be able to pick up where the parent left off and complete the 2024-25 FAFSA form online once the issue is resolved. The parent’s information previously entered will be saved. The student can complete and sign the student’s section of the form.

Interim Resolution: Federal Student Aid (FSA) implemented an interim fix that stops this issue from occurring for affected parents until such time as FSA implements a permanent fix. A parent contributor who was previously prevented from completing the 2024-25 FAFSA form online page can return to the form and pick up where the parent left off.

Full Resolution: FSA has implemented a permanent fix to this issue.

Status: Resolved

Previous Description: If a student selects the Eligible Noncitizen status on the 2024-25 FAFSA form and proceeds to enter an A-Number that ends in zero, the student receives an error message stating that the application failed to save. This message displays to the student on each subsequent page, regardless of the data the student enters in the form. As a result of the application not saving, the student is unable to proceed beyond the “Selected Colleges and Career Schools” page to the “Review” page.

Previous Workaround: There is currently no work around to this issue. The student will be able to complete and submit the 2024-25 FAFSA form online once the issue is resolved.

Resolution: A student who selects the Eligible Noncitizen status on the 2024-25 FAFSA form and proceeds to enter an A-Number that ends in zero is no longer prevented from completing and submitting the form.

Status: Resolved

Previous Description: Some students who have a birth year of 2000 are unable to review and submit a 2024-25 FAFSA form because they are continuously looped to the Student Unusual Circumstances page. The student receives no error message to explain why this is happening and despite being able to temporarily navigate past the Student Unusual Circumstances page the loop recurs and prohibits review and submission of the form.

Previous Workaround: There is currently no workaround to this issue; however, FSA has identified its cause and is working to implement a fix. The student will be able to complete the 2024-25 FAFSA Form online once the issue is resolved.

Resolution: A student who has a birth year of 2000 and was previously unable to review and submit a 2024-25 FAFSA form is now able to do so.

Status: Short-term and long-term resolutions

Previous Description: Some applicants and their contributors are encountering an error message when inviting contributors without an SSN to participate in the FAFSA form. This occurs when there is a mismatch of personally identifiable information (PII) that is entered on the invitation compared to the PII attached to the contributor’s StudentAid.gov account, or the person sending the invitation to participate in the FAFSA form sends multiple invitations, often with different variations of PII.

Previous Workaround: Dependent students with at least one parent contributor without an SSN can try following this guidance to submit the form. Note: This workaround does not work for independent students who are married and filed taxes separately from their spouse. For now, we advise independent applicants who have started a form and encountered this error to wait to invite any contributors without an SSN to the FAFSA form. We are working to resolve this issue in March.

Resolution (Short-Term): On 3/25/24, the Department implemented a nightly data clean up that will archive duplicate accounts. With this update, users who experienced this issue in the past should now be able to invite a contributor. In addition, the workaround guidance to users who have issues adding a contributor to their form was updated to include instructions for users on what to do if they encounter an issue inviting a contributor. The guidance is available at https://studentaid.gov/announcements-events/fafsa-support/contributor-social-security-number.

Note: Users can still encounter this issue if they enter inaccurate information on a contributor’s invitation or send multiple invitations to the same contributor (resulting in duplicate accounts).

If a user encounters this issue, they can wait until the next day and try again. When they try the next day, they will be able to add a contributor but need to follow the workaround instructions to avoid getting stuck again:

  • If the contributor has a StudentAid.gov account, the user should re-invite the contributor to their FAFSA form typing in exactly the last name, date of birth, and address the contributor used in creating their account. The user should invite the contributor only one time.

  • If the contributor does not have a StudentAid.gov account, the user should request that the contributor create a StudentAid.gov account. The contributor should note the exact last name, date of birth, and address used to create the account. Once the account is created, the user should re-invite the contributor to their FAFSA form typing in exactly the last name, date of birth, and address the contributor used in creating their account. The user should invite the contributor only one time.

The error message that users see includes a link to guidance on what to do if they have trouble inviting a contributor without an SSN. As noted above, the guidance was updated to include information on waiting to try again the next day along with step-by-step instructions for students who were previously blocked from inviting their contributor(s).

Resolution (Long-Term): The Department is working on an update to the backend system to enable prioritization of multiple, duplicate accounts. This should eliminate the need for the nightly data clean up, as well as the error that users experience when they inadvertently create multiple accounts when inviting contributors.

Status: Resolved

Description: When logging in to the 2024-25 FAFSA form for the first time, a user with a foreign country address is unable to confirm the user’s Account Settings. Due to the state field being disabled, a validation error prevents the user from moving forward.

Previous Workaround:  While in the confirm settings flow, the user can temporarily change their foreign address to a U.S. address. Once they log in, the user can change their address back to their foreign address in their account Settings.

Note: Due to another known issue, users will need to confirm their settings the first time they log in each day. If a user changes their address back to their foreign address, they will need to follow this workaround the next time they log in (if on another day).

Resolution: Users no longer need to temporarily enter a U.S. address when presented with the Confirm Account Settings page.


Status: Resolved

Description: When a FAFSA contributor has a foreign tax filing status (i.e., they filed a non-U.S. tax return with a foreign country, a Puerto Rico tax return, or U.S. territory tax return), they are prevented from submitting the FAFSA form due to a backend processing issue. This issue can create two distinct user experiences.

  1. After a foreign filer completes their role’s section, they navigate to the Sign and Submit page and click Continue to sign the application. However, the signature page stalls, and the user is stuck on the page.

  2. The user successfully signs the application, but they never see an option to submit the form and are taken to that role’s section completion page.

Resolution: Users with a foreign tax filing status may return to sign and submit the FAFSA form.

Status: Resolved

Description: On certain internet browsers, the “My Activity” section of the StudentAid.gov Dashboard does not load when a 2024-25 FAFSA form already exists for a user.

Workaround: Applicants should use one of the recommended internet browsers to complete the 2024-25 FAFSA form: Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari (desktop version), and Google Chrome.

Resolution: This issue has been resolved. As a best practice, the Department still recommends that applicants use one of the recommended internet browsers to complete the FAFSA form.

Status: Resolved

Description: If a financial aid administrator (FAA) starts a FAFSA form correction but does not submit it, the FAFSA record changes to show a correction in progress on the StudentAid.gov dashboard. Students will see their FAFSA form correction in a “Draft” status. Parent contributors will see a FAFSA form correction was started. The student and their contributors should not see this draft and instead should only see an updated status when the FAA submits the correction.

Previous Workaround: The student can follow up with the school that started the FAFSA correction to submit the changes. If the correction was started in error, the student also can delete the draft correction transaction. To delete the correction transaction, the student should open the 2024 FAFSA form that is in “Draft” status. From the top navigation menu, select the “FAFSA Menu” button and then select “Delete Correction”.

Resolution: FSA has implemented a fix to this issue.

Status: Resolved

Description: If a married student or parent starts to enter a spouse’s information on the “Invite your spouse to the FAFSA Form” page but then exits the 2024-25 FAFSA form from that page without completing the information, the student or parent will not be able to add this information when the student or parent re-enters the form and will be prevented from submitting the form.

Previous Workaround: The married student or parent in this situation can re-enter the 2024-25 FAFSA form, manually navigate back to the start of the “Financials” section, move through the form to the “Invite your spouse to the FAFSA Form” page, complete the information on that page in full, and then select “Continue” to complete and submit the 2024-25 FAFSA form online.

Resolution: FSA has implemented a fix for this issue.

Status: Resolved

Description: There are instances where contributors can submit a FAFSA form from the Review page without first being prompted to provide their signature. In some cases, a student who has completed their section can enter and complete a contributor’s section of the form from the Review page. When this occurs, the student user is not allowed to sign for the parent but is also not prompted to make sure their own signature is present. The student is shown a submit button at the bottom of the Review page that allows them to submit the application, even if they have not provided their own signature.

Previous Workaround: In order to avoid this issue, contributors should allow the other role to sign in to StudentAid.gov to complete their section of the FAFSA form. This will prevent users from accidentally submitting the form without signatures from the Review page. If a user has already taken this action, they can make a correction to apply the missing signature. This issue is scheduled to be fixed on 09/29/2024.

Resolution: FSA has implemented a fix for this issue. Users who attempt to submit the form prior to obtaining all required signatures will be presented with a pop-up modal informing them to sign and exit the FAFSA form.

Status: Resolved

Description: If a 2024-25 FAFSA form has all required information and the only remaining actions are for signature/submission, the status of the FAFSA form in My Activity will display as “In Progress” for any users/contributors that do not have those remaining actions. For example, if a dependent student completes the student section but does not submit and the student’s parent completes the parent section, the FAFSA form status displays as In Progress to the parent because the student still needs to submit. As a result of the In Progress status, the parent may not realize what action is required to finalize the form.

Previous Workaround: Student can enter the application and navigate through the end of the application to finalize and submit the application.

Resolution: FSA has implemented a fix for this issue. The FAFSA Submission Summary will display a banner message when a user has all required information filled out.

Status: Resolved

Description: When a dependent student attempts to add a parent, whose last name is “Null,” the student receives an error message stating they are “unable to complete this action.” This is caused by the FAFSA form not correctly validating the parent’s last name and instead registering the parent’s last name as missing. This issue also impacts parents that have a last name of “Null” and attempt to start a form on behalf of a dependent student. Within the parent section of the form, these parents will experience an issue that will loop them back to the Parent Identity Information page, where they will notice their last name is not listed.

Resolution: FSA has implemented a fix for this issue.

Status: Resolved

Description: In some cases, a parent who has started a 2024-25 FAFSA form on behalf of a student is unable to continue past the Student Information page and receives an error message stating that there is already an application on file for the student. This happens very rarely when the system creates a FAFSA but fails to generate and attach the student’s record to the application. If there is no student record attached to a FAFSA, then a parent will not be able to access the application beyond the Student Information page.

Previous Workaround: A parent who encounters this issue will need the student to access or restart the 2024-25 FAFSA form. If the student logs in to StudentAid.gov and does not see the application under My Activity, the student will need to navigate to the FAFSA landing page, start a new form as a student, and invite the parent to the application. This action will nullify the previous FAFSA form initiated by the parent.

Resolution: FSA has implemented a fix for this issue.

Status: Resolved

Description: Individuals who (a) have a StudentAid.gov account with a pending Social Security Administration (SSA) match status and (b) are invited to participate in a FAFSA form as a contributor are unable to access the FAFSA invitation from their StudentAid.gov Dashboard. The user is also unable to access the FAFSA invitation from the “My Activity” section.

Note: This issue does not prevent users with a pending SSA match status from starting a new FAFSA form.

Previous Workaround: Contributors who are unable to accept the FAFSA invitation should wait until their information has been verified by the SSA before re-attempting to access the FAFSA invitation.

Resolution: FSA has implemented a fix for this issue.

Status: Resolved

Description: Students who have been invited by a parent to the FAFSA form are not seeing the FAFSA form invitation in the “My Activity” section of the Dashboard. Instead, they see a FAFSA form in “Draft” status when they have not accepted the invitation to the application.

Previous Workaround: Students do not need to accept the invitation to access the FAFSA form. They can log in to their StudentAid.gov account and select the draft form from the “My Activity” section of the Dashboard.

Resolution: FSA has implemented a fix for this issue.

Status: Resolved

Description: Users who have a military APO or FPO address are encountering issues with submitting their FAFSA form. When a user with a military address attempts to continue past the Colleges section of the form, they are continuously looped back to the Student Identity Information page without indication of an apparent error.

Previous Workaround: Impacted users should provide an address without a military state (i.e. Military-Americas, Military-Europe, Military-Pacific) listed in the state field. This should allow users to successfully submit their FAFSA form.

Resolution: FSA has implemented a fix for this issue.

Status: Resolved

Description: If a student or parent signs the student’s or parent’s respective section of a 2024-25 FAFSA form that includes other contributors and returns to the form before the other contributors have signed and submitted the form and selects “Save” from the FAFSA menu without making any changes, the signature of that student or parent is removed from the application.

Previous Workaround: The student or parent should re-sign the FAFSA form upon returning to the application, even if the student or parent is not making any changes to the form.

Resolution: FSA has implemented a fix for this issue.

Status: Resolved

Description: When a FAFSA contributor who has a pending Social Security Administration (SSA) match status attempts to enter the FAFSA form via an invitation, they are blocked and are shown messaging stating they are unable to enter the form while they still have a pending SSA match status.

Previous Workaround: Contributors who are unable to accept the FAFSA invitation should wait until their information has been verified by the SSA before re-attempting to access the form.

Resolution: FSA has implemented a fix for this issue.

Status: Resolved

Description: There are several reports from customers stating they are consistently being shown the Confirm Settings page when logging into StudentAid.gov, even when they have not changed any information since they previously logged in. This also triggers the ‘'Your FSA ID Information Was Changed’' email to be sent to users even if their information was unchanged, causing a confusing user experience.

Previous Workaround: When a customer experiences the issue, they will need to complete the confirm settings flow when they log in. This will trigger them to receive an email saying their information was changed even if they did not make any updates.

Resolution: FSA has implemented a fix for this issue.

Status: Resolved

Description:  Currently, when a parent, or independent student, is married and filed their taxes jointly with their current spouse, they are being required to invite their spouse to participate in the form even though the spouse is not a required contributor.

Previous Workaround: Users will need to add their spouse’s information to continue through the form; however, the spouse will not be required to create a StudentAid.gov account, accept the invitation, or complete the application.

Resolution: FSA has implemented a fix for this issue.


FAFSA Submission Summary

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Status: Resolved

Previous Description: The Student Aid Index (SAI) calculation is omitting reported assets for families whose combined Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) exceeds the threshold that requires them to report assets on the 2024-25 FAFSA form, but as individual tax filers the family members’ AGIs are below the threshold. For independent students, this includes scenarios in which both the student and the student’s spouse are required contributors who must provide information on the form, and their assets are greater than $0. For dependent students, this includes scenarios in which both parents (i.e., parent and parent spouse) are required contributors who must provide information on the form, and their assets are greater than $0.

The Department is correcting affected 2024-25 FAFSA forms as they are processed, and the estimated SAI on the student’s FAFSA Submission Summary will correctly consider any required reported assets, as well as the effects of the updating of the SAI tables for inflation announced in GENERAL-24-06. However, impacted students may see that their initial estimated SAI that was provided upon completion of the form, prior to processing, is less than the SAI that correctly accounts for the reported assets.

Previous Workaround: Until the issue is resolved, impacted students will potentially see a discrepancy in their initial SAI upon completion of the 2024-25 FAFSA form versus the SAI calculation reflected on the FAFSA Submission Summary after the form is processed.

Resolution: The issue was resolved. Moving forward, students will no longer see a discrepancy in their initial SAI upon completion of the 2024-25 FAFSA form versus the SAI calculation reflected on the FAFSA Submission Summary after the form is processed.

Note: Among the initial batches of ISIRs that were sent to schools, there is a small batch of submitted FAFSAs that may result in a rejected ISIR at processing as the system fix identifies applicants (and their contributors) who should have been required to report assets but were not presented with the requirement to do so when completing their form. In these cases, the student, the student’s contributor(s), or the school should submit a correction to report those assets. The Department will notify schools if they received ISIRs that may require a correction.

Status: Resolved

Description: The FAFSA Submission Summary displays a FAFSA form expiration card that is incorrectly communicating to users that their application will expire between 40-45 days following submission. This messaging should not be shown to users since submitted applications do not expire.

Previous Workaround: Impacted users should ignore the messaging since their FAFSA application will not expire if it has already been submitted.

Resolution: The issue was resolved, and the applicant will no longer see incorrect messaging that their submitted application expires.

Status: Resolved

Description: The FAFSA Submission Summary provides information to students on Pell Grants and lets them know if they are eligible for Pell Grants. Currently, we are not displaying messaging to students that are not eligible for Pell Grants in the Eligibility Overview tab. The student’s confirmation page, at the point of submission, correctly displays that the student is not eligible for Pell Grants.

Previous Workaround: Impacted students should navigate to the “Next Steps” section in the FAFSA Submission Summary and check the “For Your Awareness” info card to see their Pell Grant eligibility status.

Resolution: FSA implemented a fix for the issue.


FAFSA Corrections

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Status: Resolved

Previous Description: In some cases, a contributor corrects or needs to reenter the values in their asset fields, but the FAFSA form does not save them. If the assets are required, contributors are not able to proceed.

Previous Workaround: There is currently no workaround to this issue. The contributor will be able to make corrections to the 2024-25 FAFSA form online once the issue is resolved.

Resolution: The issue was resolved, and a contributor who was previously affected can now make corrections to the 2024-25 FAFSA form online.

Status: Resolved

Previous Description: After starting a correction to the 2024-25 FAFSA form, some students, as well as FAFSA contributors, are unable to view or access the form on StudentAid.gov. Users experiencing this issue see error messaging when attempting to make a correction. When the user exits the form and restarts the correction, they are no longer able to view their initial FAFSA form or their FAFSA Submission Summary in the My Activity section of their dashboard. The user also will not be able to see the correction they started.

Previous Workaround: There is currently no workaround to this issue. The student will be able to make corrections to the 2024-25 FAFSA form online once the issue is resolved.

Resolution: The issue was resolved, and the applicant will no longer see the error preventing them from submitting their FAFSA correction.

Status: Resolved

Previous Description: In a small number of cases, if a user manually entered their tax information in their initial 2024-25 FAFSA application but their tax information is later transferred from the FA-DDX, the user may not be able to successfully submit a correction.

Note: This issue does not impact non-SSN contributors who must manually provide their information on the FAFSA form since the ability to pull federal tax information from the IRS is not currently enabled for these individuals.

Previous Workaround: There is currently no workaround to this issue. The contributor will be able to make corrections to the 2024-25 FAFSA form online once the issue is resolved.

Resolution: The issue was resolved, and users who were previously affected can now make corrections to the 2024-25 FAFSA form online.

Status: Resolved

Description: When users finish filling out their section of the form, they are taken to the Review Form page. All of their form sections are shown here, in accordion sections. If there are contributors on the form, the contributor’s form sections may be shown as well. Some individuals may mistakenly think that the “Signature” accordion section, which expands to show a gray signature box, is where they must apply their signature. Since this panel is not interactive and simply an indicator that the signature has not been applied yet, these users may report that the signature option is “grayed out” for them.

Resolution: Users are not expected to sign by clicking on the gray box. Instead, they should scroll to the bottom of the page and select “Continue” to move to the signature page where they can sign.

Note: The page title was updated to select “Continue to Sign Your Form” and other text updates were made to try to reduce confusion.

Status: Resolved

Description: When a Primary Destination Point Administrator (PDPA) attempts to submit a manual correction to a FAFSA record in the FAFSA Partner Portal (FPP), they sometimes encounter error messaging that informs them that their session has been terminated. This issue is limited to the PDPA role but prevents the PDPA from successfully submitting a correction on behalf of their institution.

Previous Workaround: There is currently no workaround for the PDPA role to submit corrections. Other user roles associated with their institution’s TG number may still log in to the FPP to submit corrections for their institution.

Resolution: The issue was resolved, and the PDPA will no longer see the error preventing them from submitting corrections.

Status: Resolved

Description: After a financial aid administrator (FAA) successfully submits a FAFSA correction via the FAFSA Partner Portal (FPP), students see an incorrect “Action Required” status in the “My Activity” section of the StudentAid.gov dashboard.

Workaround: There is currently no workaround for this issue. Students should review their FAFSA Submission Summary to determine what actions they should take, if any.

Resolution: The issue was resolved. Students will no longer see the incorrect “Action Required” status on their StudentAid.gov dashboard.

Status: Resolved

Description: When a FAFSA correction is initiated by a contributor other than the student, the contributor is unable to submit the correction. When contributors navigate to the Sign and Submit page, they will not be presented with the “Sign and Submit” button, and instead will only see the option to sign the form. After they sign the form, they will create a draft FAFSA correction that is saved.

Previous Workaround: Impacted contributors should have the student log in to StudentAid.gov, select the draft FAFSA correction, navigate to the College section, and click through the form until they get to the “Submit” button. Then the student can submit the FAFSA correction.

Resolution: FSA implemented a fix for the issue.

*The Department of Education strives to make all content accessible to everyone. While these documents do not currently meet the standards of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, Federal Student Aid is working to create accessible versions. If you need access to these documents before the accessible versions are available, please contact the Information Technology Accessibility Program Help Desk at ITAPSupport@ed.gov to help facilitate.

Last Modified: 01/13/2025 • Published: 10/18/2024