Lender and Guaranty Agency Default Rates

This page provides cohort default-related information and resources for lenders and guaranty agencies.

The U.S. Department of Education (the Department) publishes cohort default rates based on the percentage of a lender's or guarantor's student borrowers who enter repayment on FFEL Program loans during a federal fiscal year (October 1–September 30) and default before the end of the next fiscal year.

The Department releases official cohort default rates once per year. During the official cohort default rate process, guaranty agencies and lenders are given the opportunity to correct their cohort default rate(s) with the Department. The correction process along with other important cohort default rate information can be found in the Cohort Default Rate Guide for Guaranty Agencies and Lenders.

Cohort Default Rates

Cohort Default Rate Guide for Guaranty Agencies and Lenders

Top 100 Lenders Reports

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Last Modified: 09/25/2024 • Published: 10/03/2022