150% Electronic Announcements (General) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #25 – Guidance and Operational Information for the Repeal of 150% Subsidized Usage Limit (General) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #24 - COD System Changes for 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit to be Implemented on July 14-16, 2017 (General) Subject: Summer Term Enrollment Reporting to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) (General) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #23 - COD System Changes for 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit to be Implemented on October 28-30, 2016 (General) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #22 – Important Reminders About Program-Level Enrollment Reporting to NSLDS (Direct Loans) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #21 - Common Subsidized Loan Limit Usage Inquiries (Direct Loans) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #20 – Determining a Student’s Eligibility for a Direct Subsidized Loan when the “Remaining Eligibility Period” is Less than 1 Year (Direct Loans) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #19 – Importance of Accurate Direct Loan and Enrollment Reporting to Prevent Loss of Subsidy (Updated October 8, 2015) (General) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #18 - Implementation of Loss of Interest Subsidy Based on Enrollment (General) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #17 – School Misreporting of Data to COD and NSLDS (COD System) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #16 – Important Reminders About COD Reporting Responsibilities for 150% Calculations (COD System) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #15 - Processing Tips for COD System Edits 204, 205, and 206 (General) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #14 -DCL Regarding NSLDS Program-Level Enrollment Reporting, CIP Codes, and Program-Level Enrollment Status (August 2014) (Loans) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #13 - Subsidized Usage Period Data and New Web Functionality Added to NSLDS Beginning April 14, 2014 (COD System) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #12 - COD System Changes for 150% Limit to be Implemented on April 11-14, 2014 (General) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #11 - Update to Worksheet Used to Calculate Remaining Eligibility for Short-Term Programs (COD Systems) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #10-COD System Readiness for Reporting Non-Credential Teacher Certification Programs for 2013-2014 and Prior (Loans) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #9 - Availability of New NSLDS Enrollment Reporting File Layouts (UPDATED) (General) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit Electronic Announcement #8 - Final Regulations Published (Loans) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #7 - Establishment of IFAP Information Page and First Set of FAQs (Loans) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #6 - Availability of New NSLDS Enrollment Reporting File Layouts (DRAFTS) (Loans) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #5 - Limited School Calculation of Remaining Eligibility (Loans) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #4 - Tracking Teacher Certification Programs for the 2013-2014 Direct Loan Processing Year (Loans) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #3 - Prorating Subsidized Usage Periods Based on Enrollment Status for the 2013-2014 Year (Loans) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #2 - Phase One of COD System Changes Scheduled for June 28-30, 2013 (Loans) Subject: 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit: Electronic Announcement #1 - Interim Final Regulations Published Other Electronic Announcements (General) Subject: Availability of Updated NSLDS Enrollment Reporting Guide (September 2021) (General) Subject: Increased Postscreening Volumes due to COD System Changes for 150% Direct Subsidized Loan Limit Implemented on October 28-30, 2016 (General) Subject: Availability of Updated NSLDS Enrollment Reporting Guide and Enrollment Spreadsheet Submittal Instruction Guide (General) Subject: Compliance with Program-Level Enrollment Reporting to NSLDS (General) Subject: Reminder of Program-Level Enrollment Reporting Requirement (General) Subject: Availability of the New NSLDS Enrollment Spreadsheet Submittal Format and Updated NSLDS Enrollment Reporting Guide (July 2014) (General) Subject: Availability of New NSLDS Enrollment Reporting Guide (April 2014) (COD System) Subject: COD System Implementation for 2014-2015 Award Year (COD System) Subject: 2014-2015 COD Technical Reference (February 2014 Update) (General) Subject: Reminder to Institutions of NSLDS Enrollment Reporting Responsibilities 2013-11-22 (COD System) Subject: 2014-2015 COD Technical Reference (COD System) Subject: COD XML SCHEMA - Preliminary Information About New COD Common Record XML Schema 4.0a Planned for March 2014 (COD System) Subject: Additional COD System Implementation for 2013-2014 Award Year (Updated June 28, 2013) Dear Colleague Letters (GEN-13-13) Subject: Reporting of Academic Year and Loan Period to COD for Direct Loans