Publication Date: August 2003
Bulletin ID: DLB-03-32
COD Processing and e-MPN Website Temporarily Unavailable
Posted on 08-15-2003
August 2003
Subject: COD Processing and e-MPN Website Temporarily Unavailable
Dear Partner:�
In preparation for the retirement of the Recipient Financial Management System (RFMS) and the conversion of Pell Grant data to the COD System, COD has scheduled a system outage for the weekend of August 15-18, 2003. COD will suspend batch-processing beginning at 6:00PM (ET), on Friday, August 15. Records submitted after 6:00PM will be held and processed by Monday, August 18. The COD Website will also be unavailable during this time.
In addition, the Electronic Master Promissory Note Website will be unavailable to Direct Loan borrowers. However, this outage is only expected to occur from 4:00AM (ET) to 5:00PM (ET) on Saturday, August 16.
Since GAPS will continue to be available, schools may continue to request funds. However, COD will not send funding adjustments or requests to GAPS until Monday, August 18.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions about this bulletin, please contact the COD School Relations Center at 800/848-0978 or by email at
Thank you for your ongoing partnership in the Direct Loan Program.
Jane Holman
Acting Director, Title IV Delivery
Schools Channel