Publication Date: February 2002
Bulletin ID: DLB-02-03
Summary: Missing cash activity data on January DLSAS/732
February 2002
Subject: Missing cash activity data on January DLSAS/732�
Dear Partner:
Due to some processing delays resulting from the implementation of the Department of Education's new accounting system, some January drawdown and excess cash activity may not appear on your January Direct Loan School Account Statement (DLSAS) and/or 732 Report. Please keep track of the missing transactions and look for them on your February DLSAS and/or 732 Report. If the missing January activity doesn't appear on your February DLSAS and/or 732 Report, please contact your Customer Service Representative at the Loan Origination Center for further research.Â
We apologize for any inconvenience this situation may have created, and we appreciate your patience in this matter.
Thank you for you ongoing partnership with the Direct Loan Program.
Jane Holman
Acting Director, Title IV Delivery
Schools Channel