AwardYear: 1998 - 1999 ChapterNumber: 4 ChapterTitle: Overpayments, Overawards, Referrals, and Suspected Fraud Section: Referral of Fraud Cases PageNumber: 1 If you suspect an applicant, employee, or other individual has misreported information and/or altered documentation to increase his or her student aid eligibility to fraudulently obtain federal funds, you should report your suspicions (and provide any evidence) to the Office of Inspector General (OIG) or to local law enforcement officials. Telephone numbers for the eight regional offices of the Inspector General are listed below: Boston, MA (617) 223-9301 New York, NY (212) 264-4104 Philadelphia, PA (215) 596-1021 Atlanta, GA (404) 331-2087 Chicago, IL (312) 353-7891 Dallas, TX (214) 880-3031 Denver, CO (303) 844-4517 San Francisco, CA (415) 556-6726 OIG HOTLINE 1-800-MISUSED |