AwardYear: 1997-1998 ChapterNumber: 1 ChapterTitle: Basic Requirements Section: Applications with Conflicting Information PageNumber: [[34 CFR 668.16(f)]] The General Provisions regulations require your school to develop an adequate system to ensure the consistency of the information related to a student's application for federal student aid, regardless of the source of that information. You are responsible for reconciling all information received, with one exception: If the applicant dies during the award year, you are not required to resolve conflicting data. [[Must resolve conflicting information before disbursing federal student aid]] If you have conflicting information for an applicant or have any reason to believe his or her application information is incorrect, you MUST resolve such discrepancies before disbursing federal student aid. Further, if you discover discrepancies after disbursing federal student aid, you must reconcile the conflicting information and require the student to repay aid received in excess of his or her eligibility. (See Chapter Five, "Overpayments, Referrals, & Suspected Fraud.) The requirement to resolve CONFLICTING INFORMATION IS SEPARATE AND DISTINCT FROM VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS/PROCEDURES AND SUPERSEDES ALL VERIFICATION RULES: YOU MUST RESOLVE ALL CONFLICTS WHETHER OR NOT THE STUDENT'S APPLICATION WAS SELECTED FOR VERIFICATION. |