Maintained for Historical Purposes

This resource is being maintained for historical purposes only and is not currently applicable.

Making Corrections

AwardYear: 1995-1996
ChapterNumber: 3
ChapterTitle: Completing the Verification Process
Section: Making Corrections

Correcting for the Federal Pell Grant Program

If a Federal Pell Grant application contains errors that do not fall
within the established tolerances, you may choose to recalculate the
student's EFC by hand, using the corrected data items. (However,
you do not have to recalculate; you may require the student to
correct the data and resubmit it for processing.)

**[The "Pell Corrections" chart on page 45 is currently unavailable
for viewing. Please reference your paper document for additional

If you recalculate and the student's scheduled award remains
unchanged, you may pay the student based on the original EFC.
Also, if recalculation shows that the student's scheduled award will
increase, you may still elect to pay the student based on the original
EFC, without reprocessing.

However, if you wish to pay the student under the increased award,
the data must be corrected and reprocessed. You may either
withhold payment until the reprocessed EFC is received, or make a
first payment based on the original EFC, adjusting the second
payment upon receipt of the reprocessed EFC. (Make corrections on
Part 2 of the SAR or through the electronic corrections process,
indicating whether you recalculated. You may be liable for any
overaward resulting from an incorrect hand calculation.)

If the student's scheduled award will decrease, the data must be
corrected and reprocessed; you must withhold payment until you
receive the reprocessed EFC. (For details on recalculations and first
payments, see the Counselor's Handbook.)


SUBMITTING A CORRECTION. To receive a Federal Pell
Grant, students must correct their application data through the
CPS (i.e., through the EDE system or with a SAR through the
original processor). All corrections must reach the processor by
JULY 31 of the award year; no corrections will be accepted after
this date. (The EDE system deadline is the same; electronic
corrections must be transmitted by the school by July 31 of the
award year.)

**[The "Deadline" chart on page 46 is currectly unavailable for
viewing. Please reference your paper document for additional

Correcting for Campus-based, Direct Loan, and Federal Stafford

If a campus-based, Direct Loan, or Federal Stafford Loan applicant's
data are incorrect and none of the tolerance options apply, you may
choose to recalculate the student's EFC by hand or with ENAS
software, using the corrected data items, or to have it recalculated by
a need analysis servicer.*11* (However, you may require the
student to correct the application and submit it for reprocessing.)

**[The "CB/Stafford Corrections" chart on page 47 is currently
unavailable for viewing. Please reference your paper document for
additional information.]**

If recalculation shows that the EFC is unchanged, you may award
campus-based or Stafford aid to the student based on his or her
current eligibility.

If recalculation changes the EFC, you may award campus-based or
Federal Stafford aid based upon your recalculation, but you may be
liable for any overpayment that occurs as a result of your having
incorrectly recalculated the applicant's EFC.

If you choose not to recalculate the student's EFC, you may have the
student correct the data and submit it for reprocessing.

*9* If an applicant’s marital status changes as a result of death,
divorce, or separation, you may be able to override the student’s
reported dependency status, using professional judgment, AFTER
you have resolved any conflicting information and any required
verification is complete.) For more on professional judgment, see
the Counselor’s Handbook.

*10* If an applicant’s marital status changes as a result of death,
divorce, or separation, you may be able to override the student’s
reported dependency status, using professional judgment. (You may
not override a student’s dependency status until AFTER you have
resolved any conflicting information and, if the student’s application
was selected for verification, until verification is completed.) For
more on professional judgment, see the Counselor’s Handbook.

*11* In the past, ED has annually certified a number of need
analysis servicers, ensuring that the calculation services they
performed were in compliance with ED’s specifications. However,
the Department no longer certifies need analysis servicers. Schools
who choose to use calculations provided by such servicers do so at
their own risk.