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(FS-2015-01) Subject: ACTION REQUIRED - Steps to be Taken by Foreign Schools Affected by the National Student Clearinghouse's Discontinuation of Enrollment Reporting Services

Posted Date:February 23, 2015

Foreign School Update ID: FS-2015-01

Author: Pamela Eliadis, Service Director, System Operations & Aid Delivery Management, Federal Student Aid

Subject: ACTION REQUIRED - Steps to be Taken by Foreign Schools Affected by the National Student Clearinghouse's Discontinuation of Enrollment Reporting Services

Federal Student Aid is aware that, effective November 14, 2014, the National Student Clearinghouse (Clearinghouse) discontinued its service to provide institution enrollment reporting to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) on behalf of foreign schools. As a result, foreign schools that used the Clearinghouse for enrollment reporting must report enrollment information directly to NSLDS.

Enrollment Reporting is required for all schools participating in the Title IV Aid programs. Timely reporting of changes ensures the accuracy of student information. Certification of all student enrollment data must be performed within 15 days of the date that NSLDS generates and sends roster files to the school’s designated Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) mailbox. NSLDS generates and sends roster files to the designated SAIG mailbox according to the school’s enrollment schedule, which should be at least every 60 days. To learn about enrollment reporting, refer to the NSLDS Enrollment Reporting Guide.

Necessary Actions for Foreign Schools to Begin Enrollment Reporting to NSLDS

Managing the NSLDS Enrollment Reporting process requires both batch and online enrollment update access. The batch process (which was formerly used by the Clearinghouse on behalf of some foreign schools) uses the SAIG mailbox to transmit enrollment files electronically. The online capability provides access to the NSLDS Professional Access Web site. A school should review its access and take the appropriate action to ensure it is set up for the enrollment reporting process.

Attn: Jamal Steward
U.S. Department of Education
Federal Student Aid
Multi-Regional and Foreign Schools Participation Division
830 First Street, NE
Union Center Plaza, 7th Floor
Washington, DC 20202-5340

Instructions for completing the SAIG Form for Adding/Modifying Services for an Existing DPA User are available in the SAIG Introduction document. Only the following fields of the SAIG form require completion:

  • Item 1C, Page 15
  • Item 2, Page 15
  • Item 4, Page 15
  • Item 10, Page 19 (NSLDS Batch Services)
  • Item 13, Page 21 (NSLDS Online Services)
  • Step Three, Page 34
  • Step Four, Page 35

When submitting a SAIG form that involves removing a DPA/servicer, your school must also attach to the SAIG form a statement on the school’s letterhead requesting that the DPA/servicer is removed.

Updates to the Application for Approval to Participate in Federal Student Financial Aid Programs (E-App) Also Required

To fulfill the school’s reporting requirement at 34 C.F.R. § 668.25(e)(1)(i)(B) the school must also remove the Clearinghouse from the third-party servicer information in Section J of the E-App at If the school has selected a new third-party servicer, it should add the new servicer’s information in Section J.

Contact Information

For questions about updating your SAIG Enrollment, contact the Multi-Regional and Foreign Schools Participation Division at

For more information about NSLDS enrollment status reporting, refer to the NSLDS Enrollment Reporting Guide. You may also contact the NSLDS Technical Support Desk at +1-785-838-2141 or