Posted Date:May 18, 2010
Foreign School Update ID: FS-2010-02
Author: | William J. Taggart, Chief Operating Officer, Federal Student Aid |
Subject: Clarifications - Direct Loan Setup and Training for Foreign Schools
In early May 2010, we communicated with schools located outside the United States (commonly referred to as foreign schools) about enrolling to participate in the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program and registering to attend Direct Loan training workshops. In addition, we launched a Foreign School Information Web page that consolidates the U.S. Department of Education’s (the Department’s) guidance and information for foreign schools, including Direct Loan setup and training information, in one location.
The response to our communications has been overwhelming, and many foreign schools have already completed and submitted their Direct Loan enrollment packets and registered to attend the instructor-led Direct Loan training workshops we plan to conduct at various international locations in June 2010. Through the first two weeks of corresponding with foreign school personnel who had questions about these two initiatives, we have identified key pieces of Direct Loan setup and training information that need clarification. The purpose of this communication is to share this information with all foreign schools as they complete their Direct Loan enrollment packets and register for Direct Loan training workshops.
In the attachment to this Foreign School Update titled "Questions and Answers About Direct Loan Setup and Training for Foreign Schools," we clarify information on the following topics:
Section 1 - Direct Loan Training Workshops
Section 2 - Software Product Options (for Direct Loan Enrollment Packet Cover Sheet)
Section 3 - COD System Access
Section 4 - Funding Setup
Note Regarding Foreign School Direct Loan Training Workshops: We are closely monitoring volcanic ash impact on air travel to and from countries where we plan to hold workshops in June 2010. The following workshops are the ones that may be impacted:
Trinity College - Dublin, Ireland
John Cabot University - Rome, Italy
University of the Arts London, London College of Communication - London, England
University of Birmingham - Birmingham, England
Our contingency planning is underway, and we will communicate with registered participants and the community if it becomes necessary to adjust our plans. Please monitor e-mail and the Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) Web site.
Contact Information
If you have additional questions or need assistance after you read the attached question and answer document, e-mail our specialized Direct Loan enrollment team at This team will be your point of contact for getting any and all questions answered for you as expeditiously as possible.