Posted Date:July 13, 2018
Subject: Final FISAP Form, Instructions, and Desk Reference for FISAP due by October 1, 2018 (Updated September 14, 2018)
NOTE: On September 14, 2018, we replaced the 2019–20 FISAP Instructions document to add clarifying information to Part VI – Section A – Distribution of Program Recipients and Expenditures by Type of Student, pages VI-1, VI-2 and VI-3. The revised instructions clarify how schools should report on a borrower who received Federal Perkins loan funds as an undergraduate in the beginning of the 2017–18 academic year, but then ended the 2017–18 academic year as a graduate student.
We are pleased to announce that the Fiscal Operations Report for 2017–18 and Application to Participate for 2019–20 (FISAP) has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The attachments to this announcement include the FISAP Form, Instructions, and Desk Reference. The FISAP will be made available on the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) Web Site by August 1, 2018.
As announced in the Federal Register Notice “2018-2019 Award Year Deadline Dates for Campus-Based Programs,” the date by which a school must submit its 2019–20 FISAP electronically and mail in the required signature page is Monday, October 1, 2018.
Contact Information
For additional information about the FISAP Form, Instructions, and Desk Reference, contact the COD School Relations Center at 1-800-848-0978. You may also email