PeriodBegin: 7/1/2000 PeriodEnd: 6/30/2001 June 5, 2000 Subject: Federal Stafford, Federal PLUS, Federal SLS, and Federal Consolidation Interest Rate Calculations for the Period July 1, 2000 June 30, 2001 The attached charts show the variable interest rates applicable to the Federal Stafford, Federal SLS, Federal PLUS, and Federal Consolidation loan programs for the period July 1, 2000 June 30, 2001. Interest rates for variable-rate loans under these programs are determined annually, and are based on the bond equivalent rate of either 91-day Treasury Bills or 52-week Treasury Bills auctioned on the final auction held before June 1st of each year. The bond equivalent rate for 91-day Treasury Bills auctioned on May 30, 2000, is 5.893 percent, which rounds to 5.89 percent. The bond equivalent rate for 52-week Treasury Bills auctioned on May 31, 2000, is 6.375 percent, which rounds to 6.38 percent. {signed} Frank Ramos Financial Transactions Financial Partners Attachment Federal Stafford, Federal PLUS, Federal SLS, and Federal Consolidation Interest Rate Calculations for the Period July 1, 2000 June 30, 2001 File Size: 21KB; Number of Pages: 7 Requires 4.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software. |