The Secretary invites postsecondary educational institutions that currently participate in the Second Chance Pell experiment to apply to participate in a new experiment under the Experimental Sites Initiative (ESI). The revised Second Chance Pell experiment will provide new waivers to allow current Second Chance Pell institutions to continue serving their confined or incarcerated students after July 1, 2023. This will give participating institutions time to seek Department approval of their PEPs (as defined under the new regulations in 34 CFR part 668 subpart P) and avoid interrupting the educational opportunities of confined or incarcerated students currently enrolled in approved programs under the experiment. Specifically, the revised experiment will allow current participating institutions to continue offering their current programs to confined or incarcerated individuals for up to 3 award years while they work through the application and approval process for the PEP(s) they wish to offer under the new provisions. Letters of interest from current Second Chance Pell experiment participants interested in participating in the revised experiment must be submitted to the Department by the deadline date, following the procedures outlined in the notice, to receive priority consideration.
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