This notice is seeking comments on the 2024-2025 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form and additional components of the application process.
Federal Student Aid (FSA) has developed an application process to collect and process the data necessary to determine a student's eligibility to receive Title IV, HEA program assistance. The application process involves an applicant's submission of the FAFSA form. After submission and processing of the FAFSA form, an applicant receives a FAFSA Submission Summary (formerly Student Aid Report (SAR)), which is a summary of the processed data they submitted on the FAFSA form. If necessary, applicants can make corrections or updates to their submitted FAFSA data. Institutions of higher education listed by the applicant on the FAFSA form also receive a summary of processed data submitted on the FAFSA form which is called the Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR). Because the 2024-25 FAFSA incorporates changes required by the FAFSA Simplification and FUTURE Act, the notice also includes supplemental documentation to provide context and a summary of the enhancements.
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