Information about Designation as a Title III or Title V Institution and Waiver Requests of the Non-Federal Share Requirement for the Campus-Based Programs

Publication Date
February 07, 2022
Information about Designation as a Title III or Title V Institution and Waiver Requests of the Non-Federal Share Requirement for the Campus-Based Programs
FR Type

In this notice, the Department extends the deadline for application for Designation as a Title III or Title V Institution and Waiver Requests of the Non-Federal Share Requirement for the Campus-Based Programs. An institution of higher education that is designated as an eligible institution may receive a waiver of certain non-Federal cost-sharing requirements for one year under the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) program authorized by title IV, part A of the HEA and the Federal Work-Study (FWS) program authorized by section 443 of the HEA. Qualified (eligible) institutions may receive the FSEOG and FWS waivers for one year even if they do not receive a grant under a title III or V grant program.

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