Publication Date: October 25, 2018
Posted Date: October 25, 2018
Subject: Annual Notice of Interest Rates for Variable-Rate Student Loans Made Under the Federal Family Education Loan Program Prior to July 1, 2010
FR Type: Notice
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 207 (Thursday, October 25, 2018)] [Notices] [Pages 53861-53864] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [] [FR Doc No: 2018-23371] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Annual Notice of Interest Rates for Variable-Rate Federal Student Loans Made Under the Federal Family Education Loan Program Prior to July 1, 2010 AGENCY: Federal Student Aid, Department of Education. ACTION: Notice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: The Acting Chief Operating Officer for Federal Student Aid announces the interest rates for loans made under the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program that have variable interest rates. The rates announced in this notice are in effect for the period July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jon Utz, U.S. Department of Education, 830 First Street NE, 11th Floor, Washington, DC 20202. Telephone: (202) 377-4040 or by email: If you use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) or a text telephone (TTY), call the Federal Relay Service (FRS), toll free, at 1- 800-877-8339. Individuals with disabilities can obtain this document in an accessible format (e.g., braille, large print, audiotape, or compact disc) on request to the contact person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.