(GENERAL-24-123) Annual Certificate Update for FTI-SAIG Software (EDconnect, TDClient) (Updated Oct. 22, 2024)

Federal Student Aid
Electronic Announcement ID
Annual Certificate Update for FTI-SAIG Software (EDconnect, TDClient) (Updated Oct. 22, 2024)


Update on Oct. 22, 2024: We would like to remind SAIG users of the need to complete this important task, to maintain access to the FTI-SAIG and to ISIRs. Instructions are available in the guides linked to below. Questions? Contact the FPS Help Desk at 1-800-330-5947 or support@fps.ed.gov.

An annual certificate update is required to continue using FTI-SAIG software to receive Institutional Student Information Records (ISIRs).


The runtime certificate expires annually. A new certificate will be assigned to your FTI-TDCommunity Manager (FTI-TDCM) account 30 days before your current one expires. EDconnect 8.6.1 or TDClient 3.5.0 users must import the new certificate to maintain access to the FTI-SAIG and continue receiving ISIRs.

Instructions to update the runtime certificate are provided in the following application-specific user guides, available in the Software and Other Tools area of the Knowledge Center website. Follow the steps in the guide to check the expiration date of your certificate, download the new certificate from FTI-TDCM (if one has been assigned), and import the new certificate:

Note: The process for importing the new runtime certificate is the same as the initial import that users completed.

Please ensure you complete the certificate update in a timely manner to maintain uninterrupted access to ISIRs.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Contact Information

If you have questions, please contact the FPS Help Desk (formerly CPS/SAIG Technical Support) at 1-800-330-5947 or by email at support@fps.ed.gov.

Last Modified: 10/22/2024