(GRANTS-24-09) 2024–25 Pell Grant Origination Issue and COD System Reject Edit 38 (Updated Sept. 4, 2024)

Federal Student Aid
Electronic Announcement ID
2024–25 Pell Grant Origination Issue and COD System Reject Edit 38 (Updated Sept. 4, 2024)


Update on Sept. 4, 2024: We have corrected the Pell Grant eligibility data on the COD System for FPS transactions processed from Aug. 18–28, 2024. Schools can now submit 2024–25 Pell Grant records regardless of the FPS transaction date. Schools can also resubmit any records that were previously rejected with Edit 38 (these should now be accepted assuming no other edits are triggered). We appreciate your patience as we implemented the fix for this issue.

Update on Aug. 29, 2024: We fixed the system issue that was preventing Pell Grant eligibility information from being passed to the COD System for FPS transactions from August 18. Schools should resume submitting 2024–25 Pell Grant records tied to an FPS transaction that was processed after Aug. 28, 2024, 10 a.m. Eastern time (ET) and no records will be impacted going forward.

We are still working to correct data in the COD System from August 18 through August 28 at 10 a.m. ET. Schools may submit or continue to hold any award submission for any records that were previously rejected with Edit 38, but should understand that these submissions will continue to be rejected until we have completed correcting FPS transactions processed from August 18 through August 28 at 10 a.m. ET. We will inform the community when the corrected COD System’s Pell eligibility data for the impacted time period has been completed. We appreciate your patience as we implemented the fix for this issue.

Late last week, we determined there is an issue in which schools are receiving rejects on certain Federal Pell Grant (Pell Grant) origination records for the 2024–25 award year. Our research has found that Pell Grant eligibility information processed by the FAFSA Processing System (FPS) is correctly appearing in the FAFSA Partner Portal and on the Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR), however, that same information is not being passed to the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) System. As a result, the COD System does not have accurate Pell Grant eligibility information and is returning Reject Edit 38 (Student Not Pell Eligible) in the response file. Until the COD System receives updated information for the impacted transactions, the award-level rejects will continue to occur. Currently, the issue is isolated to Pell Grant eligibility information, so Direct Loan and TEACH Grant records are not impacted.

There is no workaround for this issue, however, we are prioritizing the work to correct the issue and send the necessary Pell Grant eligibility information to the COD System at the earliest point possible. In the meantime, schools can continue to package aid awards, create 2024–25 Pell Grant disbursement records on their systems, or submit any 2024–25 Pell Grant records tied to an FPS transaction processed prior to Aug. 18, 2024. We ask schools to delay sending any 2024–25 Pell Grant records tied to an FPS transaction processed after Aug. 18, 2024, to the COD System until that system has been updated with the correct Pell Grant eligibility information. Schools may continue sending Direct Loan and TEACH Grant disbursement records.

We will update this announcement when we have more information about the system fix and when schools can resume sending 2024–25 Pell Grant origination records tied to a transaction processed after Aug. 18, 2024.

We apologize for any inconvenience this issue has caused.

Contact Information

If you have additional questions about this issue, contact the COD School Relations Center at 1-800-848-0978. You may also email CODSupport@ed.gov.

Last Modified: 09/04/2024