(GE-24-06) NSLDS FVT/GE Reporting Now Available (Updated Sept. 16, 2024)

Federal Student Aid
Electronic Announcement ID
NSLDS FVT/GE Reporting Now Available (Updated Sept. 16, 2024)


Update on Sept. 16, 2024: The Department has updated the deadlines for both FVT/GE reporting and evaluation of Completers Lists to January 15, 2025. Please see Electronic Announcement GE-24-08 for more information.

Update on Aug. 26, 2024: We are pleased to announce that schools may now begin reporting Financial Value Transparency and Gainful Employment (FVT/GE) Program Level data via the FVT/GE Programs page on the NSLDS Professional Access website, which is one option for reporting FVT/GE data to NSLDS. Previously schools were able to report FVT/GE Program data via Spreadsheet Submittal on the web and Batch Submittal via SAIG. To review all FVT/GE Program submittal options, please see Volume 2 of the FVT/GE User Guide. To view and add data on the FVT/GE Program webpage, your account must be enrolled for “Enrollment Update for NSLDS Online Services.” The Primary or Secondary DPA for your school can add this access to an existing FSA User ID through the SAIG Enrollment website.

Update on July 17, 2024: We have received questions from the community about how to access the FVT/GE Spreadsheet Submittal templates (student-specific and program-specific), which are one option for reporting FVT/GE data to NSLDS. The spreadsheets can be found on the NSLDS Professional Access website, under the School tab on the Spreadsheet Submittals page. To view and access the spreadsheets, your account must be enrolled for “Enrollment Update for NSLDS Online Services.” The Primary or Secondary DPA for your school can add this access to an existing FSA User ID through the SAIG Enrollment website.

Online reporting options are described in detail in the NSLDS FVT/GE User Guide.

We are pleased to announce that schools may now begin reporting Financial Value Transparency and Gainful Employment (FVT/GE) data to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS®). Reporting methods include batch processing, online submittal (see ‘Note’ below), or the spreadsheet submittal process through NSLDS.

The FVT/GE regulations require schools to annually report two types of data to the NSLDS, student-specific information and program-specific information. In 2024, for the initial reporting of student-specific data, schools will report on students (enrolled, completed, or withdrawn) who have received Title IV funds for the program being reported during the most recently completed award year. Additionally, schools will provide information on students who have received Title IV funds for the program being reported and who have graduated or withdrawn during the standard or transitional reporting periods selected. For program-specific data, schools will always report on the most recently completed award year.


For the initial reporting year of 2024, the deadline to submit FVT/GE information to NSLDS for the most recently completed award year and for award years prior to the most recently completed award year is Oct. 1, 2024. The most recently completed award year for the initial reporting period is the 2023–24 award year, which ended on June 30, 2024.

The NSLDS Financial Value Transparency and Gainful Employment (FVT/GE) User Guide, recently updated on June 27, 2024, provides instructions and guidance on meeting the FVT/GE reporting requirements through NSLDS. The user guide covers reporting methods (batch, web, spreadsheet submittal), reporting content, and other relevant topics.

The updated user guide includes a change in the Department’s guidance regarding reporting for Eligible Non-GE Programs. Previously, institutions were instructed to report total amounts for students who completed or withdrew from Eligible Non-GE Programs that include only enrollment in the program that the student completed or from which the student withdrew. The user guide now instructs institutions to report total amounts for students who completed or withdrew from Eligible Non-GE Programs that include enrollment in all programs at the same credential level at the institution.

Note: Web reporting of program-specific data will be available later this summer. Current options to submit program-specific data to NSLDS include the FVT/GE Program Batch Submittal File or the FVT/GE Program Spreadsheet Submittal process. Users can go online on the NSLDS Professional Access website to view program-specific information that has already been submitted through batch processing or the spreadsheet submittal process.

Training and Additional Resources

Upcoming Webinar – We are offering the “How to Report FVT/GE Data to NSLDS” webinar on July 10, 2024. For more details and information on how to access the webinar, refer to Dear Colleague Letter ANN-24-11.

NSLDS Reports – Detailed information about three new reports to assist schools with the FVT/GE reporting requirements is available in the April 12, 2024 Electronic Announcement. We discussed the new reports in a May 1, 2024 webinar. For information on how to access the webinar recording and presentation materials, refer to Dear Colleague Letter ANN-24-09.

SAIG Enrollment – As a reminder, institutions that plan to report FVT/GE data using the batch process need to enroll a Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) TG Mailbox for NSLDS FVT/GE reporting. Step-by-step instructions are included in the June 13, 2024 Electronic Announcement.

Contact Information

If you have questions about NSLDS FVT/GE reporting, contact the NSLDS Customer Support Center at 1-800-999-8219 or nslds@ed.gov.

If you have policy questions about the FVT/GE regulations, please direct them to GE24@ed.gov.

If you have operational questions about FVT/GE, please direct them to GEOperations@ed.gov.

Last Modified: 09/16/2024