(EDESUITE-24-05) Availability of Campus-Based Service Release for EDExpress for Windows 2024–2025, Release 2.0

Federal Student Aid
Electronic Announcement ID
Availability of Campus-Based Service Release for EDExpress for Windows 2024–2025, Release 2.0

We are pleased to announce the posting of a new service release for EDExpress for Windows 2024–2025, Release 2.0 on the Software and Other Tools page of Federal Student Aid’s Knowledge Center website (https://Knowledge Center.ed.gov/software-and-other-tools). This service release adds functionality enabling users to report student Federal Work-Study (FWS) data to the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) System using the Campus-Based Common Record schema.

In addition to the software, an updated version of the EDExpress for Windows 2024–2025, Release 2.0 Desk Reference is available for download from the Knowledge Center website. The updated version includes an appendix with guidance on Campus-Based and FWS functionality, including the Campus-Based external import add/change record layout.

Campus-Based Functionality

This service release adds functionality that enables schools to exchange FWS data (to report 2023 calendar year FWS wages) with the COD System using the Campus-Based schema (version 1.0b) being implemented in summer 2024.

Campus-Based functionality in EDExpress includes the ability to define Campus Based school profiles, add new FWS records manually or via import from an external system, export Campus Based Common Record documents for transmission to the COD System, and import processed results. We implemented additional related enhancements to Browse, Query, and Print functionality.

For additional details and guidance regarding Campus-Based functionality in EDExpress 2024–25, see the related user documentation posted to the Knowledge Center website and the EDExpress Help system within the software.

For more information regarding the COD System’s implementation of the Campus Based schema and testing opportunities for combination schools, see the March 14, 2024 electronic announcement and the May 17, 2024 electronic announcement on the Knowledge Center website.

Downloading and Running the EDExpress Service Release File

The updated EDExpress 2024–25, Release 2.0 service release installation file (EDE25_June2024_ReleaseV1.exe) is provided on the Knowledge Center website. You can initiate the download of the service release file by clicking the link. The software file will begin downloading when you click on the link.

You should run the installation on all PC workstations in your office that have Release 2.0 installed.

When you run the installation file, you are prompted to select the program directory for EDExpress 2024–25, Release 2.0 on the PC workstation. For most users, this is the default directory of C:\Program Files (x86)\EDESuite\EDExpress for Windows 2024–2025 (unless you changed this location during the installation process). If you do not have a Program Files (x86) directory, the default is C:\Program Files\EDESuite\EDExpress for Windows 2024–2025. Choose OK to initiate and run the service release installation.

You do not need to reboot your PC(s) after the copy procedure is complete to resume using EDExpress 2024–25, Release 2.0.

Additional Tips and Guidance

Note the following additional tips when loading the service release file to your PC workstation(s):

  • Be sure to close EDExpress on your PC(s) before performing the download and copy procedure.

  • Microsoft Windows users must have admin rights to the PC workstation(s) running EDExpress to run the service release file installation.

  • If you receive a message indicating you cannot overwrite the file (usually due to a “sharing violation”), restart your computer and try again. Windows may think the file overwritten by the service release file installation is in use until you restart.

  • If your EDExpress database is installed on a network drive, and you have multiple PC workstations accessing that database, you must run the service release file installation on EACH workstation.

Contact Information

If you have questions regarding this message, please contact the FPS Help Desk at 1-800-330-5947 or by email at support@fps.ed.gov. The FPS Help Desk (formerly CPS/SAIG Technical Support) provides customer service for the FAFSA Processing System (FPS), the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG), and the EDExpress for Windows software.