(APP-24-06) New DHS-SAVE Tutorial Required To Initiate Third-Step Verification Requests (Updated June 25, 2024)

Federal Student Aid
Electronic Announcement ID
New DHS-SAVE Tutorial Required To Initiate Third-Step Verification Requests (Updated June 25, 2024)


Update on June 25, 2024: This Electronic Announcement has been updated to more clearly state that users of the DHS-SAVE System for federal aid purposes do not need to review the information contained in the tutorial, they only need to certify that they’ve completed the training.

Effective May 28, 2024 , Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements system, or SAVE system, began requiring users to certify completion of review of a new tutorial that SAVE posted. Users may be unable to initiate third-step verification requests until they certify completion of the tutorial. The information contained in the tutorial is not specific to Department of Education users, and most of the information does not apply. We recommend certifying that you have completed the training, but you do not need to review the information contained in the tutorial.

Users can certify they have completed the tutorial by accessing the “Manage Profile” portion of the site. Users should continue to reference the “DHS-SAVE Instructions for U.S. Department of Education (School) Users Version 4.0” document for further information, or contact ApplicationSystemsDivision@ed.gov if you have questions about accessing and/or using the system.

Last Modified: 06/25/2024