Update on Dec. 13, 2024: The remaining two NSLDS reports described in this Electronic Announcement—the FVT/GE Program Enrollment Summary Report (SHSPE1) and the FVT/GE Students with No Program Enrollment Report (SHNPE1)—are now available on the NSLDS Professional Access website. We appreciate the community’s patience as we worked to update the reports.
Update on Nov. 1, 2024: The FVT/GE Program Enrollment Detail Report (SHDPE1), described below, has been updated and is now available on the NSLDS Professional Access website to assist schools with FVT/GE reporting requirements. We continue to work on updates to the other two NSLDS FVT/GE reports and will provide another update when they are ready for use.
Update on Sept. 16, 2024: The Department has updated the deadlines for both FVT/GE reporting and evaluation of Completers Lists to January 15, 2025. Please see Electronic Announcement GE-24-08 for more information.
Update on Aug. 30, 2024: We have newly identified issues with the Completers Lists and FVT/GE Reports based upon feedback and questions raised by the community. We suggest institutions pause reviews of the Completers Lists and use of the FVT/GE Reports as we work to resolve these issues. We will notify the community with an update to this announcement once resolved, and we will review the related reporting deadlines. We appreciate the community’s diligence in identifying issues.
Update on May 31, 2024: These new NSLDS reports became available last month and so far, requests for the reports have been low. We would like to remind the community about these useful tools that are available to assist with FVT/GE reporting requirements:
The three new reports described in this Electronic Announcement will help schools identify students and programs that require FVT/GE reporting by utilizing the student and program data already provided to NSLDS via the Enrollment Reporting process. Refer to the “New Reports” section below for more information.
The “Importance of Program Enrollment Data in NSLDS” section provides important information on how these reports can assist in ensuring your school’s draft Completers List is as accurate as possible, when it is created later this year.
We discussed these reports in detail in a May 1, 2024 webinar. For information on how to access the webinar recording and presentation materials, refer to Dear Colleague Letter ANN-24-09.
Update on April 22, 2024: The three new reports—FVT/GE Program Enrollment Detail Report (SHDPE1), FVT/GE Program Enrollment Summary Report (SHSPE1), and FVT/GE Students with No Program Enrollment Report (SHNPE1)—are now available on the National Student Loan Data System Professional Access (NSLDSFAP) website. As explained in the full Electronic Announcement below, the reports are intended to assist schools with their Financial Value Transparency Gainful Employment (FVT/GE) reporting requirements.
This announcement is to introduce three new reports that soon will be added to the National Student Loan Data System Professional Access (NSLDSFAP) website to assist schools with their Financial Value Transparency Gainful Employment (FVT/GE) reporting requirements. The implementation of these reports is scheduled to occur within the next two weeks. Upon implementation, we will inform the community through an update to this announcement.
Reporting Requirements
The Department of Education published the final FVT/GE regulations in October 2023, and an overview of the FVT/GE provisions scheduled to be implemented on July 1, 2024 can be found in Dear Colleague Letter GEN-24-04 posted on March 29, 2024.
The FVT/GE regulations require schools to annually report two types of data to the NSLDS—student-specific information and program-specific information. In 2024, for the initial reporting of student-specific data, schools will report on students (enrolled, completed, or withdrawn) for the most recently completed award year and for students who completed the program or withdrew during prior award years based on the standard or transitional reporting option.
In subsequent years (2025 and after), schools will report on students (enrolled, completed, or withdrawn) for the most recently completed award year. For program specific data, schools will always report on the most recently completed award year.
A school must indicate in the first reporting of student specific data if it will opt for standard reporting or transitional reporting. Once the school has selected a reporting type option, it must report students who have withdrawn or graduated during the award years that correspond to the standard or transitional reporting option. Schools that choose standard reporting will be expected to provide data for several previously completed award years. If a school opts for transitional reporting, it will be expected to provide data for the two most recently completed award years.
In 2024, the initial year of reporting, the deadline to report FVT/GE information for award years prior to the most recently completed award year and for the most recently completed award year is October 1, 2024. The most recently completed award year for the initial reporting is the 2023-2024 award year, which ends on June 30, 2024. Subsequent years of FVT/GE reporting will be for the most recently completed award year and the deadline will be October 1st after the end of the award year.
For example -
FVT/GE reporting in 2025 will be due by October 1, 2025 for the 2024-2025 award year ending on June 30, 2025.
FVT/GE reporting in 2026 will be due by October 1, 2026 for the 2025-2026 award year ending on June 30, 2026.
Initial Reporting (2024)
* The years listed under ‘Award Years to Report’ for Transitional Reporting apply to Qualifying Graduate Programs and programs other than Qualifying Graduate programs.
Subsequent Reporting (Examples 2025 and 2026)
New Reports
The new NSLDS reports that will be implemented later this month will support the FVT/GE reporting requirements by providing a list of students (detail level) and programs (summary level) where the student’s program enrollment status is enrolled, graduated (completed), or withdrawn. The program enrollment statuses are based on data reported by schools via the NSLDS Enrollment Reporting process. Schools will also be given the option to choose the reporting type (standard or transitional) along with the corresponding award years to report on. The third report will assist schools in identifying students where enrollment was certified in NSLDS without program-level information.
The following report layouts are available now to assist schools in identifying those students and programs that require FVT/GE reporting:
FVT/GE Program Enrollment Detail Report (SHDPE1)
The FVT/GE Program Enrollment Detail Report (SHDPE1) provides school users with a list of all students and their certified program enrollment data as reported to NSLDS via the Enrollment Reporting process. Students who have received Title IV aid at your school or previously at another school are included in this report. Schools can use this comprehensive report to assist in identifying those students, with Title IV aid for the program, that require FVT/GE reporting. Users can generate a report for the six-digit School Group Code for which they are affiliated. The report is available in both file types of Commas Separated Values (CSV) and Fixed-Width (FW) file formats.
Note: The SHDPE1 report will include all your students with their certified enrollment data, even if the student did or did not receive Title IV aid at your institution. However, when reporting FVT/GE data, schools will only need to report on students who received Title IV aid for that program.
FVT/GE Program Enrollment Summary Report (SHSPE1)
The FVT/GE Program Enrollment Summary Report (SHSPE1) provides school users with a list of programs that have students with certified attendance as reported to NSLDS via the Enrollment Reporting process. Programs with students who have received Title IV aid at your school or previously at another school are included in this report. Schools can use this report to assist in identifying those programs, which have students with Title IV aid for the program, that require FVT/GE reporting. Users can generate a report for the six-digit School Group Code for which they are affiliated. The report is available in both file types of Comma Separated Values (CSV) and Fixed-Width (FW) file formats.
FVT/GE Students with No Program Enrollment Report (SHNPE1)
The FVT/GE Students with No Program Enrollment Report (SHNPE1) provides school users with a list of students where the student was certified with campus-level enrollment data and no program-level enrollment data on NSLDS via the Enrollment Reporting process. Users can generate a report for the six-digit School Group Code for which they are affiliated. The report is available in both file types of Comma Separated Values (CSV) and Fixed-Width (FW) file formats.
Note for all three reports: To receive a complete list of students or programs for the most recently completed award year, the report(s) will need to be requested on or after July 1st following the end of the award year. Reports requested prior to the end of the award year will include any data in NSLDS at the time of the request.
Importance of Program Enrollment Data in NSLDS
The process for calculating the FVT/GE Debt-to-Earnings Rate and Earnings Premium Measure will rely on the program enrollment data your institution reports to NSLDS starting with the creation of the Completers List. NSLDS will create your school’s Draft and Final Completers List based on students certified with Program Enrollment Status of ‘G’ (Graduated), indicating the student has completed the program. The FVT/GE Program Enrollment Detail Report (SHDPE1) can provide a list of graduates/completers for the Standard or Transitional award years, depending on which reporting option is selected by your school. Schools must report on all students who completed (graduated) and withdrew during either the Standard or Transitional award years.
You will be able to run the FVT/GE Program Enrollment Detail Report (SHDPE1) to verify the reported enrollment data properly reflects the students who have completed or withdrawn from their programs. When reviewing the report results, if any errors/inconsistencies are found with the student’s program enrollment status, you may utilize the NSLDS Enrollment Reporting process to make any updates/corrections.
Another impact to your Completers List will be the students who have completed programs but for some reason those programs were never reported to NSLDS. The FVT/GE Students with no Program Enrollment Report (SHNPE1) will allow you to identify the students with a certified Campus Enrollment Status of ‘G’ and no certified programs. Schools can utilize the NSLDS Enrollment Reporting process to report the program data to ensure that your Completers List includes all eligible program graduates (completers).
Contact Information
If you have questions about requesting the new NSLDS reports or the report results, contact the NSLDS Customer Support Center at 1-800-999-8219. You can also contact Customer Support by email at