A service release for EDExpress for Windows 2023–2024, Release 3.0 is now available to resolve two software issues preventing the import of Direct Loan Rebuild files and the printing of Direct Loan School Account Statement (SAS) Cash Summary and SAS Disbursement Summary reports with monthly detail.
The service release is available for download on the Software and Other Tools page of the Knowledge Center at FSA Partner Connect website (https://fsapartners.ed.gov/knowledge-center).
The following issues are resolved in this service release:
You can now import Direct Loan Rebuild files (message class CODRBFOP) that include loan records with an Informed Borrowing Complete field value of “N” (indicating the borrower has not completed the annual student loan acknowledgement process). EDExpress incorrectly rejected loan records with an “N” value during the Rebuild file import in prior versions.
You can now print monthly detail (or combine with year-to-date detail) for the Direct Loan SAS Cash Summary and SAS Disbursement Summary reports. EDExpress previously only printed year-to-date detail for these reports.
If you do not use the EDExpress Direct Loan module, you do not need to load the service release described in this message.
You must have EDExpress 2023–2024, Release 3.0 installed on your PC before running the service release file. You can download Release 3.0 from the Software and Other Tools page of the Knowledge Center website.
See the sections below for guidance and tips on downloading and running the service release file on PC workstations running EDExpress 2023–2024.
Downloading and Running the EDExpress Service Release File
The EDExpress 2023–2024, Release 3.0 service release installation file (EDE24_September2023_Release.exe) is posted to the Software and Other Tools page of the Knowledge Center website. You should run the installation on all PC workstations in your office that have Release 3.0 installed.
To download the service release, go to the Software and Other Tools page, choose the “EDExpress” link, then select "2023–2024" under the By Award Year section of the page. Select the date-specific link under Software that is labeled "EDExpress 2023–2024 Release 3.0 Service Release." On the subsequent page, you can initiate the download of the service release file by selecting the link under the "Attachments" section.
When you run the installation file, you are prompted to select the program directory for EDExpress 2023–2024, Release 3.0 on the PC workstation. For most users, this is the default directory of C:\Program Files (x86)\EDESuite\EDExpress for Windows 2023–2024 (unless you changed this location during the installation process). If you do not have a Program Files (x86) directory, the default is C:\Program Files\EDESuite\EDExpress for Windows 2023–2024. Click OK to initiate and run the service release installation.
You do not need to reboot your PC(s) once the copy procedure is complete to resume using EDExpress 2023–2024, Release 3.0.
Additional Tips and Guidance
Note the following additional tips when loading the service release file to your PC workstation(s):
Be sure to close EDExpress on your PC(s) before performing the download and copy procedure.
Microsoft Windows users must have admin rights to the PC workstation(s) running EDExpress to run the service release file installation.
If you receive a message indicating you cannot overwrite the file (usually due to a “sharing violation”), restart your computer and try again. Windows may think the file overwritten by the service release file installation is in use until you restart.
If your EDExpress database is installed on a network drive, and you have multiple PC workstations accessing that database, you must run the service release file installation on EACH workstation.
Contact Information
If you have any questions regarding loading the EDExpress 2023–2024, Release 3.0 service release file to your system, contact CPS/SAIG Technical Support at 1-800-330-5947 or by email at CPSSAIG@ed.gov.
You can also post questions regarding EDExpress on FSATech. FSATech is an electronic mailing list for technical questions about Federal Student Aid systems, software, and mainframe products. For more information on subscribing to FSATech, go to https://listserv.ed.gov/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=FSATECH&A=1.