To assist the community with planning and communicating changes to the 2024–25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form, we are pleased to provide the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation and PDF file with information and screenshots of the 2024–25 online FAFSA form.
The purpose of the 2024–25 FAFSA preview presentation is to provide financial aid administrators, mentors, and counselors with reference tools for staff trainings and financial aid nights.
This year the FAFSA preview presentation will be released in two phases.
The first phase includes a presentation demonstrating the following:
four flows which illustrate both dependent and independent student scenarios;
one flow for a dependent student who has unusual circumstances;
one flow for a provisionally independent student; and
the FAFSA Submission Summary (formerly SAR)
Please note that the text on the screenshots is draft text and that at the time of publication, not all screenshots are available. Where screenshots are not available, placeholder text has been provided indicating as such. Please also note that data used in the presentation is test data and is intended to show examples of the views that users will see on the website.
The second phase, scheduled to be delivered later this year, will include any updates to material from the first phase as well as new screenshots of My Activity and Corrections. These updates may include any text changes resulting from the FAFSA public comment period and replacement of placeholder screenshots. Federal Student Aid will continue to inform the community each time an updated presentation is released.
Finally, please keep in mind that this presentation is large, and may take time to open or download on your computer.