On May 1, 2023, we published a new service release for EDExpress for Windows 2022–2023, Release 3.0. We have updated the link in the first bullet below.
We are pleased to announce the posting of multiple EDExpress for Windows and Direct Loan (DL) Tools service releases. These service releases enable users to continue to import Pell Grant Year-to-Date (PGYR) files and Direct Loan School Account Statement (SAS) and Rebuild files sent by the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) System. The service releases are available for download on the Software and Other Tools page of the Knowledge Center at FSA Partner Connect website.
We have also posted a new Report Converter Tool. This tool can be used to strip the additional bytes from expanded fields in Pell Grant Year-to-Date files and DL Tools SAS and Rebuild files. Converted files can then be imported without error into older (legacy) versions of the EDExpress or DL Tools software that require files to meet the format used prior to 2023–24. The Report Converter Tool should only be used for EDExpress award years between 2017–18 and 2019–20, or DL Tools versions between Release 13.0 and Release 21.0, and should not be used for EDExpress award years 2020–21, 2021–22, 2022–23, or DL Tools Release 22.0.
As part of the implementation of 2023–24 award year functionality, the COD System is increasing total field lengths for multiple amount-related fields. The structure and length of the COD XML Common Record Schema 5.0a is not changing, only the allowable length of specific tags that will be accepted by the COD System for 2023–24 and forward. These record layout changes are being applied to the Pell YTD and Direct Loan SAS and Rebuild files for all active award years (2023–24 and prior).
EDExpress for Windows 2022–2023, Release 3.0 (Release 3.0 was released in June 2022 for EDExpress Pell and College Financing Plan functionality updates. EDExpress DL-only users do not need to have Release 3.0 installed.)
After installing these service releases, users will be able to import the reformatted Pell YTD files, and reformatted SAS and Rebuild files, into the EDExpress and DL Tools software without receiving error messages for these award years.
You must have the most recent versions of the EDExpress or DL Tools software installed on your PC(s) before running any service release file. Users can download the most recent version(s) of EDExpress and DL Tools for any of these award years from the Software and Other Tools page on the Knowledge Center website.
Note: After installing the EDExpress or DL Tools service release(s), users will not be able to import Pell YTD files or DL SAS or Rebuild files generated prior to the April 2, 2023 COD System Release. If you have Pell YTD or DL SAS or Rebuild information generated prior to April 2, 2023 that you need to reference, we recommend that you import and safely store this information prior to installing the service release(s).
If you do not use the EDExpress Pell Grant module, you do not need to load the service releases described in this message.
See the sections below for guidance and tips on downloading and running the service release files on PC workstations running EDExpress or DL Tools, Release 22.0.
Downloading and Running the Service Release File(s)
The EDExpress and DL Tools service release installation files are posted to the Software and Other Tools page of the Knowledge Center website. You should run the installation on all PC workstations in your office that are up to date with the most recent software versions.
To download a service release, select one of the service release links at the beginning of this announcement. On the subsequent page, initiate the download of the service release file by selecting the link under the “Attachments” section.
When running the installation file, users are prompted to select the program directory for EDExpress or DL Tools on the PC workstation. For most users, it is one of the following default directories:
C:\Program Files (x86)\EDESuite\EDExpress for Windows 2022-2023 (unless you changed this location during the installation process). If you do not have a Program Files (x86) directory, the default is C:\Program Files\EDESuite\EDExpress for Windows 2022-2023. Choose OK to initiate and run the service release installation.
C:\Program Files (x86)\EDESuite\EDExpress for Windows 2021-2022 (unless you changed this location during the installation process). If you do not have a Program Files (x86) directory, the default is C:\Program Files\EDESuite\EDExpress for Windows 2021-2022. Choose OK to initiate and run the service release installation.
C:\Program Files (x86)\EDESuite\EDExpress for Windows 2020-2021 (unless you changed this location during the installation process). If you do not have a Program Files (x86) directory, the default is C:\Program Files\EDESuite\EDExpress for Windows 2020-2021 Choose OK to initiate and run the service release installation.
C:\Program Files (x86)\EDESuite\Direct Loan Tools for Windows (unless you changed this location during the installation process). If you do not have a Program Files (x86) directory, the default is C:\Program Files\EDESuite\Direct Loan Tools for Windows. Choose OK to initiate and run the service release installation.
After initiating and running a service release installation, users do not need to reboot their PC(s) once the copy procedure is complete to resume using their software.
Additional Tips and Guidance
Note the following additional tips when loading a service release file to your PC workstation(s):
Be sure to close EDExpress or DL Tools on your PC(s) before performing the download and copy procedure.
Microsoft Windows users must have admin rights to the PC workstation(s) running EDExpress or DL Tools in order to run the service release file installation.
If you receive a message indicating you cannot overwrite the file (usually due to a “sharing violation”), restart your computer and try again. Windows may think the file overwritten by the service release file installation is in use until you restart.
If your EDExpress or DL Tools database is installed on a network drive, and you have multiple PC workstations accessing that database, you must run the service release file installation on EACH workstation.
Downloading and Installing the Report Converter Tool
The Report Converter Tool is available as an attachment to this announcement (see the “Attachments” section below). The tool does not require installation; users can begin running the program immediately after downloading it to your PC by double-clicking the ReportConverter.exe file.
Reminder: The Report Converter Tool should only be used for EDExpress software versions between 2017–18 and 2019–20, or DL Tools versions between Release 13.0 and Release 21.0, and should not be used for EDExpress 2020–21, 2021–22, 2022–23, or DL Tools Release 22.0.
Some organizations restrict the download or use of unrecognized or approved software. Contact your information technology department if you encounter errors downloading or running the Report Converter Tool.
Using the Report Converter Tool
When you open the program, the Report Converter Tool dialog box is displayed with several entry fields. Follow these steps to convert your Pell YTD, Direct Loan SAS, or Direct Loan Rebuild file into the pre-2023–24 format:
In the Import Type field, select YTD Data (PGYR) for a Pell YTD file, School Account Statement (SAS) (DSDF, DSLF) for a Direct Loan SAS file, or Rebuild (CODRBF) for a Direct Loan Rebuild file.
Select the File… button under Import From. On the Open dialog box, navigate to your import data directory, locate, and select the file you want to convert, and choose Open. The file path and name are displayed in the Report Converter dialog box field next to the File… button.
The Keep Original File checkbox is selected by default. When selected, the tool retains the original YTD, SAS, or Rebuild file sent by the COD System during the conversion process and renames the file name to include “original.” For example, if you convert a PGYR20OP.DAT file, the tool renames the original file to PGYR20OP.original.dat. The converted file uses the original file name.
If you do not need to retain the original file sent by the COD System, you can clear the Keep Original File checkbox. In this scenario, the conversion process overwrites the original file with the converted version and retains the original file name.
Select the Convert button. The conversion process runs and, upon completion, indicates whether the file successfully converted or the specific field value error that caused the conversion process to fail.
Repeat steps 1–4 for additional files you want to convert. Select the Close button when finished.
After running the file conversion steps above, you can import the newly created file into the older EDExpress or DL Tools software as needed.
Contact Information
If you have any questions about installing any of the service release files or the Report Converter Tool to your system, contact CPS/SAIG Technical Support at 1-800-330-5947 or by email at
You can also post questions regarding EDExpress on FSATech. FSATech is an electronic mailing list for technical questions about Federal Student Aid systems, software, and mainframe products. For more information on subscribing to FSATech, go to
If you have any questions about the COD System, contact the FSA Partner and School Relations Center at 1-800-848-0978. You may also email