We are pleased to announce the posting of EDExpress for Windows 2022–2023, Release 3.0, on the Software and Other Tools page of Federal Student Aid’s Knowledge Center website (https://fsapartners.ed.gov/knowledge-center/topics/software-and-other-tools). Release 3.0 incorporates the revised Federal Pell Grant (Pell Grant) payment and disbursement schedules for 2022–23 in the Packaging and Pell Grant modules. Release 3.0 also implements enhancements to College Financing Plan functionality, including separate templates for undergraduate and graduate/professional students.
In addition to the software, we are posting an updated version of the EDExpress for Windows 2022–2023, Release 1.0 Desk Reference with revised College Financing Plan guidance, including an updated external import add/change record layout. For information on installing EDExpress 2022–2023, Release 3.0, see the EDExpress for Windows 2022–2023 Installation Guide. Both documents are available on the Knowledge Center website.
Revised 2022–23 Pell Grant Payment and Disbursement Schedules in Release 3.0
We announced the revised 2022–23 Pell Grant payment and disbursement schedules in Dear Colleague Letter GEN-22-04, published on March 24, 2022. Dear Colleague Letter GEN-22-04 establishes the maximum 2022–23 Pell Grant award as $6,895 and the maximum Pell-eligible Expected Family Contribution as 6206.
The Central Processing System (CPS) began processing 2022–23 application and correction records according to the revised Pell Grant schedules on May 22, 2022. The CPS also reprocessed 2022–23 Institutional Student Information Records (ISIRs) on May 24, 2022, for students who applied or submitted corrections before May 22, 2022 and, under earlier formulas, were not Pell Grant eligible, but who are now eligible for a 2022–23 Pell Grant under the revised formulas due to their EFC.
For more information and a complete description of the changes for the 2022–23 award year, see Dear Colleague Letter GEN-22-04 and the April 11, 2022 electronic announcement regarding implementation of the revised 2022–23 Pell Grant schedules.
EDExpress 2022–2023, Release 3.0 incorporates the revised 2022–23 Pell Grant schedules into the following functionality (listed by module):
Global: We updated the Pell Grant Schedule tab available under Tools, Browse, Global to reflect the revised 2022–23 Pell Grant payment and disbursement schedules.
Packaging: We updated the Package and Repackage processes to award Pell Grants (Packaging Aid Type = F) according to the revised 2022–23 Pell Grant payment and disbursement schedules.
Pell: We updated the Pell module’s Calculate Award Amount for Entire School Year function, available on the Process menu from the EDExpress main menu and the Origination (Pell Grant) tab, to follow the revised 2022–23 Pell Grant payment and disbursement schedules.
If you create Packaging records by importing ISIR data, you should import any new ISIR transactions you received for student records impacted by the May 24, 2022, reprocessing into the Packaging module. This helps ensure the Pell Eligibility field on the Packaging record is set correctly. You must unpackage existing Packaging records with a Packaging Status of P (Packaged), M (Manually Adjusted), or H (Hand Packaged) before you can import new ISIR transactions. Before unpackaging these records, you may want to print the Packaging Record report for each student, so you have a record of the funds you originally awarded to them (in case you need to recreate the awards).
College Financing Plan Enhancements in Release 3.0
EDExpress 2022–2023, Release 3.0 includes enhanced College Financing Plan functionality that implements the most recent undergraduate and graduate templates developed by FSA. Each template includes unique fields specific to the student population it covers, as well as common fields shared by both templates.
When defining a College Financing Plan Profile, you are now required to indicate whether the profile is applicable to undergraduate or graduate students using the new Type of Degree field. The Type of Degree value associated with the profile you select when creating a new College Financing Plan record determines whether the undergraduate or graduate template is loaded for completion.
Important Note: Existing College Financing Plan Profiles and student records created in EDExpress 2022–2023 Release 1.0 and Release 2.0 are marked as inactive after you upgrade to Release 3.0. To resolve the inactive status, review each profile in setup and each College Financing Plan record, provide any missing information (such as Type of Degree in setup), and save the record.
For more information, see the College Financing Plan appendix of the revised EDExpress for Windows Release 1.0 Desk Reference and EDExpress Help.
Contact Information
Please contact CPS/SAIG Technical Support at 1-800-330-5947 or by email at CPSSAIG@ed.gov if you have any questions regarding downloading, installing, or using EDExpress 2022–2023, Release 3.0.
You can also post questions regarding EDExpress on FSATech. FSATech is an electronic mailing list for technical questions about Federal Student Aid systems, software, and mainframe products. For more information on subscribing to FSATech, go to https://listserv.ed.gov/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=FSATECH&A=1.