Don’t forget to register! Your confirmation email will come from Check your spam folder if you did not receive it. One week before the conference, watch for an email from with a link to the conference platform and log in information.
Registration for the 2021 Virtual Federal Student Aid Training Conference for financial aid professionals is now open! Go to the FSA Conferences website and choose “Register Here” on the home page to complete your free registration.
As we previously announced, the 2021 Federal Student Aid Training Conference will be held Nov. 30–Dec. 2, 2021 and will be delivered virtually. There will be keynote addresses from U.S. Department of Education leadership, five general sessions, three foreign school sessions, and 26 breakout sessions covering the latest in financial aid policy, COVID-related impacts, and operational updates. Check out the teaser video available here and on the FSA Conferences website!
Registration Resources
To assist you with registering and planning for the conference, several resources are now available on the FSA Conferences website and via the following links:
Registration FAQs —Answers to common questions about registration.
Sessions by Topic of Interest —This guide groups the sessions by area of interest and provides a convenient way to focus your attention on the information that matters to you the most. This guide may be particularly useful for new financial aid administrators or first-time conference attendees.
The registration website does not support Internet Explorer. Please ensure you are using another browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge.
Agendas and Other Reference Materials
As a reminder, conference agendas, session descriptions, presenter biographies, and resource center information are also available on the FSA Conferences website and via the following links:
Agenda for Live Sessions
Agenda for On-Demand Sessions
Session Descriptions
Presenter Biographies
Resource Center Information (Updated with additional resources)
Coming Next
We will next communicate with you in November 2021 when the conference platform opens in advance of the conference. At that time, we will provide tools to assist you with learning how to access and navigate the conference platform so you are ready for conference week.
Contact Information
If you have questions about the registration website or the conference platform, contact us at or 678-341-3048. Customer service is available from 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Eastern time (ET), Monday through Friday.
If you have general questions about the 2021 Virtual Federal Student Aid Training Conference, contact us at