We are pleased to announce the posting of the 2022–23 Application and Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) test files as well as the 2022–23 comment code text to aid users as they prepare for testing of their mainframe systems with the Central Processing System (CPS). The files can be downloaded from Federal Student Aid’s Knowledge Center website, located at https://fsapartners.ed.gov/knowledge-center.
The test files posted to the FSA Knowledge Center website in flat-text (.TXT) format are as follows:
Elec_App_Data.txt (CPS Test System Electronic Application Test Data)
Elec_ISIR_Data.txt (CPS Test System Electronic ISIR Test Data)
Paper_App_Data.txt (CPS Test System Paper Application Test Data)
Paper_ISIR_Data.txt (CPS Test System Paper ISIR Test Data)
ISIR_Comment_Codes.txt (CPS Test System ISIR Comment Codes)
The mainframe portion of the CPS Test System is designed to test application and correction data processing between your system and the CPS outside the production environment.
You can use CPS test files of application records and matching ISIRs, or you can create and submit your own application records.
In particular, we encourage schools and servicers to test the 2022-23 correction process. To submit only test correction records you have created, you must contact CPS/SAIG Technical Support to request record IDs that will process successfully in the CPS Test System.
Schools and servicers interested in using the mainframe portion of the CPS Test System should download and review the 2022–2023 CPS Test System User Guide for more information.
Contact Information
If you have questions regarding the 2022–23 CPS Test System, contact CPS/SAIG Technical Support at 1-800-330-5947 or by email at CPSSAIG@ed.gov