To assist the community with the 2022–23 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form, we are pleased to provide the attached Microsoft PowerPoint presentations with information and screenshots of the 2022–23 online FAFSA form and FAFSA feature of the myStudentAid mobile app.
The purpose of the 2022–23 FAFSA presentations is to provide financial aid administrators, mentors, and counselors with screenshots that can be used as reference tools for internal staff trainings and high school financial aid nights.
Please note that the presentations’ screenshots are intended to show most of the questions on the FAFSA form; however, most students and/or parents may not need to answer all these questions when completing their FAFSA form. Data used in the presentations is test data and is intended to show examples of what it looks like on the website and myStudentAid mobile app.
Finally, please keep in mind that these presentations are large, and may take time to open up or download on your computer.