The Fiscal Operations Report for 2020–21 and Application to Participate for 2022–23 (FISAP) has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). We have posted the FISAP Form, Instructions, and Desk Reference to the Knowledge Center. The online FISAP will be made available on the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) website by Aug. 1, 2021.
We have also posted the 2022–23 FISAP Technical Reference that provides the technical specifications and record layouts for schools or other organizations who wish to design custom software systems.
These documents and the reminders below will assist schools in completing the 2022–23 FISAP.
Check Access to FISAP on the Web
If it has been more than 90 days since a user has logged on to the COD website, the user’s password will need to be reset. Information on how to reset a password, register a Destination Point Administrator, and contact resources for assistance is provided in the Desk Reference. All users should ensure their access to this website application is functional before needing to enter data to file the FISAP.
Changes to the FISAP
In addition to award year and date references, the following FISAP fields have been updated and/or added:
Part II, Section E
All Fields of Section E will automatically populate with commas every three digits in an effort to mitigate reporting errors.
Part III, Section A, Fields 2c and 3c
Field 2c ‘Funds receivable from federal government’, and Field 3c ‘Funds receivable from school’ in Part III, Section A will no longer allow for data entry as a result of the expiration of the Federal Perkins Loan program.
Part III, Section F
A new Section F, Capital Contributions to the Perkins Fund, has been added to display the calculation of the federal and institutional percentages of cumulative capital contributions made to the Perkins Loan Fund. All Fields in Section F will be pre-populated or automatically calculated– no fields require data entry.
Part IV, Section A, Field 1
Additional text has been added to Field 1, FSEOG final adjusted authorization, to clarify that this field must reflect the FSEOG authorization amount as of the October 1 FISAP submission date.
Part V, Section A, Field 1
Additional text has been added to Field 1, FWS final adjusted authorization, to clarify that this field must reflect the FWS authorization amount as of the October 1 FISAP submission date.
Part VI, Section A, Fields 23c and 23d
Field 23c, the number of graduate/professional FSEOG recipients, and 23d, total FSEOG funds to graduate/professional recipients, are being opened for data entry as a result of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), which extended the authority to issue emergency FSEOG awards to graduate/professional students.
Changes to FISAP Instructions
In addition to updates to the annual award year, date references, acronyms, and hyperlinks, the following changes have been made to the FISAP Instructions:
Introduction to the FISAP
A new section, ‘My school has recently consolidated with another school. How should we complete the FISAP’ has been added to provide reporting instructions for schools that have recently undergone a merger/consolidation that has been approved by the Department.
Additional instructions have been added to the section, ‘When will I hear from the Department about my school’s award amounts’ to clarify the impact of reporting year data (in Part II of the FISAP) on the calculation of awards for the application year, with a reminder about the importance of reviewing tentative awards worksheets and identifying discrepancies promptly.
Part III
Section A- Instructions have been updated for Fields 2c and 3c to explain that data can no longer be entered in these fields.
Section F- Instructions have been added to show how figures for all Fields (1 through 5) of Section F are derived using pre-populated data from Section A, and/or through automatic calculations performed by the system.
Part VI
Instructions have been added for Fields 23c and 23d for reporting any emergency FSEOG payments made to graduate/professional students, as authorized by the CARES Act.
All Sections
Throughout the instructions, where applicable, references have been made to the various Campus-Based provisions within the CARES Act, to identify all flexibilities that may temporarily impact normal FISAP reporting guidelines.
Contact Information
For additional information about the 2022–23 FISAP, Instructions, Desk Reference, and Technical Reference, contact the COD School Relations Center at 1-800-848-0978. You may also email