Those who have been determined ineligible for a Pell Grant or rejected by the Central Processing System
Those for whom origination records were accepted in the COD System but for whom accepted actual disbursements (DRI equals “True”) have not been received
Those for whom all actual disbursements have been rejected
First Pell Grant Administrative Cost Allowance Payments for 2020–21 Award Year The first ACA payment for the 2020–21 Award Year is based on records that the COD System has processed from the start of the Pell Grant 2020–21 Award Year up to the date that we process the first ACA payments for the 2020–21 Award Year. We began processing the Pell Grant ACA payments for all schools on Feb. 25, 2021. A school’s calculated Pell Grant ACA payment will be posted in G5 as an Available Balance in the school’s Pell ACA G5 Award Number, P063Q20####. Once posted, a school will sign in to the G5 website and process a drawdown transaction in G5 to receive the funds. ACA payment amount notifications will be sent to reporting schools. Specifically, we will send an Electronic Statement of Account (ESOA) (Message Class PGAS21OP) that reflects the ACA payment amount to the reporting school’s Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) mailbox. Additionally, an ACA payment amount and other ACA-related information will be displayed on the COD website’s School Funding Information screen. This information is as follows:
“Total Unduplicated Recipients” Field – Count of unduplicated recipients for the 2020–21 Award Year for the school
“Total Unduplicated Recipients Paid” Field – Count of unduplicated recipients for the 2020–21 Award Year for whom ACA has been paid
“Total ACA” Field – Dollar amount paid to the school to date for the 2020–21 Award Year
“Last ACA Payment Date” Field – Most current date for which an ACA payment was made for the 2020–21 Award Year
Contact Information If you have questions about the Pell Grant ACA payments, contact the COD School Relations Center at 1-800-474-7268. You may also email CODSupport@ed.gov. For questions related to G5, contact the G5 Hotline at 1-888-336-8930. You may also email edcaps.user@ed.gov.