As published in the Federal Register notice on Jan. 3, 2020 (85 FR 303), Subject: Campus Based Programs 2020–21 Award Year Deadline Dates, all schools that participate in the Federal Perkins Loan (Perkins Loan) Program, including schools that are in the liquidation process and have yet to receive an official liquidation completion letter from the Department of Education (the Department), must update and submit Part III, section A, Line 1.2 (Cash on hand and in depository as of 10/31/2020)on the Fiscal Operations Report for 2019–20 and Application to Participate for 2021–22 (FISAP) to the Department no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern time (ET) on Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2020. This announcement is a reminder of the deadline and process for this action.
Reporting Perkins Cash on Hand
Schools with a Federal Perkins Loan Revolving Fund must update Part III, Section A, Line 1.2 (Cash on hand and in depository as of 10/31/2020) to the amount that was on hand as of Oct. 31, 2020. Instructions for completing this item are on page 28 of the FISAP Instructions.
Other Important Notes
Remember to submit the updated FISAP – Simply validating and/or saving the new data entry does not result in submission to the Department. After updating and validating Line 1.2, it is imperative that schools complete the process by using the “Submit” button.
Verify that changes/corrections have been received by the Department – Schools should log in to the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) website, and from the School tab, select the link for Campus-Based. Once directed to Campus-Based, select “Self-Service” then select “Submission Log” to view the log and verify submission of the update.
Signature not required for FISAP changes – Schools are not required to submit another signature page when changes are made to a previously submitted FISAP.
Contact Information
For additional information about Perkins Loan Cash on Hand updates, contact the COD School Relations Center at 1-800-848-0978. You may also email