Note: The screen shots attached to this announcement are a sneak peek at the upcoming 2021–22 FAFSA feature of the myStudentAid mobile app. Please stay tuned for the actual mobile app release in December!
To assist the community with the 2021–22 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form processing cycle, we are pleased to provide the attached Microsoft PowerPoint presentation containing information and screen shots pertaining to the 2021–22 FAFSA feature of the myStudentAid mobile app.
The purpose of the 2021–22 presentation is to provide financial aid administrators (FAAs), mentors, and counselors with screen shots that can be used as a reference tool for the app. We encourage you to use this information for internal staff training or for high school financial aid night presentations.
Note the following:
The screen shots in this presentation are intended to show most of the questions on the FAFSA feature of the myStudentAid mobile app; however, most students and/or parents will likely not need to answer all these questions when completing their application.
Detailed information about enhancements to the FAFSA feature of the myStudentAid mobile app is provided in the 2021–22 Summary of Changes for the Application Processing System guide, which is posted on the Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) website.
2021-22 FAFSA Feature of the myStudentAid Mobile App Preview Presentation in PPT Format, 133MB