(Application Processing) Subject: CPS Resumes Selective Service System Match on January 31, 2019

Posted Date:January 31, 2019

Author: Federal Student Aid

Subject: CPS Resumes Selective Service System Match on January 31, 2019

We are informing all schools that on January 31, 2019, the Central Processing System (CPS) resumed its daily match with the Selective Service System (SSS) for both 2018-19 and 2019-20. We have also begun reprocessing 2018–19 and 2019–20 application and correction records impacted by the Selective Service System (SSS) match bypass that occurred during the recent federal government shutdown.

As described in the January 9, 2019 Electronic Announcement, during the SSS match bypass, the CPS assigned comment code 390 and a blank Selective Service Match Flag to impacted Student Aid Reports (SARs) and Institutional Student Information Records (ISIRs) unless the corrected transaction already had a valid SSS match flag value that the CPS could pull forward.

Reprocessing Information

We estimate that up to 600,000 student transactions are affected. This total includes initial applications and corrections submitted to the CPS between December 26, 2018 and January 30, 2019 for both processing cycles.

Due to the number of 2019–20 transactions, the CPS will stagger the reprocessing effort across multiple days. The daily volume of new records requiring SSS matching and records requiring SSS reprocessing will total close to 50,000 for each cycle. This will ensure that daily CPS processing stays within a reasonable transaction count and does not overwhelm either the SSS or schools receiving larger-than-usual ISIR files. Since there are fewer records impacted for the 2018-19 cycle, reprocessing for that cycle will be completed earlier than for the 2019-20 cycle. We anticipate all impacted records for both award cycles will be reprocessed by mid-February 2019.

Several methods exist for schools to identify records resulting from the reprocessing:

  • Reprocessed ISIRs will be sent under the IGSG19OP (for 2018–19) and IGSG20OP (for 2019–20) message classes.
  • SARs and ISIRs will include SAR comment code 172, which states “This SAR was produced because we processed a change to your information based on information reported to us by another agency or as a result of a processing system change. Review your SAR to see what effect, if any, this change has had on your application, and call 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243) if you have any questions.”
  • ISIRs produced as a result of the reprocessing will include a value of “50” for the Reprocessed Reason Code (ISIR field #248 for both cycles).
  • The FAA Information page in Student Inquiry on the FAA Access to CPS Online website will display “50 – Reprocessed because of a match file delay” for the Reprocessing Code on the transaction resulting from the reprocessing.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about this message, contact CPS/SAIG Technical Support at 1-800-330-5947 (TDD/TTY 1-800-511-5806) or by email at CPSSAIG@ed.gov.

You can also post questions regarding this reprocessing to FSATech. FSATech is an electronic mailing list for technical questions about Federal Student Aid systems, software, and mainframe products. For more information on subscribing to FSATECH, go to https://www2.ed.gov/offices/OSFAP/services/fsatechsubscribe.html.