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(General) Subject: Active Confirmation of TG Numbers (SAIG Mailboxes) and Electronic Services User Accounts Required by December 14, 2018 to Maintain Access to Federal Student Aid Systems

Posted Date:October 22, 2018

Author: Federal Student Aid

Subject: Active Confirmation of TG Numbers (SAIG Mailboxes) and Electronic Services User Accounts Required by December 14, 2018 to Maintain Access to Federal Student Aid Systems

In our ongoing effort to ensure the security of Federal Student Aid’s data systems, every organization enrolled for a Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) account is required to review and validate its assigned TG numbers and Electronic Services user accounts by December 14, 2018. This includes TG numbers (SAIG mailboxes) with access to the NSLDS Professional Access website, the COD Web Site, and all FAA Access to CPS Online and EDconnect user accounts. It also includes TG numbers enrolled for SAIG batch services for the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS®), the Central Processing System (CPS), the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) System, and the Financial Management System (FMS).

Failure to accurately complete this process by December 14, 2018 will result in loss of access to Federal Student Aid data systems, including services such as Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) deliveries, ISIR requests, Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) corrections, and NSLDS enrollment reporting and updates.

Important Reminders:

  • Every organization must review the services associated with each of its SAIG mailboxes (Destination Points/TG numbers) and Electronic Services accounts and provide active confirmation that enrolled staff continue to require their access to each listed service or system. It is a serious security violation to confirm access to a service or system if the individual no longer requires it. Similarly, an individual who no longer requires professional access to any Federal Student Aid data system, or who is no longer employed by the organization, must be deleted from the organization’s list.

  • To perform the active confirmation process, every Primary Destination Point Administrator (DPA) at an organization must follow the steps outlined below for both the organization's SAIG mailboxes (Destination Points/TG numbers) and Electronic Services accounts. It is a two-step process.

  • Third party servicers are also required to validate their organization’s SAIG mailboxes and Electronic Services accounts. Failure to do so will mean client schools risk losing access to batch services. Schools must work with their third party servicer to ensure the validation process is completed to avoid disruption in reporting services with Federal Student Aid data systems.

The Primary DPA of the primary TG number (Destination Point/mailbox) must perform the following steps to provide active confirmation for 1) the organization’s SAIG mailboxes (Destination Points/TG numbers) and 2) the organization’s Electronic Services accounts:

Note: The Primary DPA must have an FSA User ID to complete the process described below. To obtain an FSA User ID, go to, provide identifying information, and follow the remaining registration steps. Once the registration process is complete, including establishing a password, the FSA User ID will be emailed to the Primary DPA.

First Step: Validate or Delete Your SAIG Mailboxes

  1. Go to the SAIG Enrollment website ( and select the “Primary Destination Point Administrator Access” link.

  2. Enter your FSA User ID and password. Select “Login.”

  3. Enter your token information.

  4. From the Primary DPA page, select the “Validate Your Organization’s SAIG Mailboxes and Electronic Services Users” link.

  5. Select the “Validate existing Mailboxes/TG Numbers” link.

  6. Enter your organization’s Primary TG number. Select “Next.”

  7. From the list of available TG numbers, select the TG number you want to review.

  8. Review the services that are associated with the selected TG number. Select either “Validate” or “Delete” and then select “OK.” You will be returned to the list of the remaining TG numbers to be reviewed.

    Note: If one or more services associated with the TG number needs to be removed (but not all), you must use the “Manage Your SAIG Mailboxes” function first, to delete an existing service. After completing that step, return to the “Validate existing Mailboxes/TG Numbers” option to validate the TG number. You must not validate a TG number if access to any service associated with the number is not needed.

  9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for each remaining TG number. You must validate each TG number listed for your organization. Unused TG numbers must be deleted.

  10. The process is complete when all TG numbers have been removed from the list and the following message is displayed: “No Records Returned.”

Second Step: Validate or Delete Your Electronic Services Users

  1. Go to the SAIG Enrollment website ( and select the “Primary Destination Point Administrator Access” link.

  2. Enter your FSA User ID and password. Select “Login.”

  3. Enter your token information.

  4. From the Primary DPA page, select the “Validate Your Organization’s SAIG Mailboxes and Electronic Services Users” link.

  5. Select the “Validate existing Electronic Services Users” link.

  6. Enter the TG number that is currently enrolled for CPS batch services for your organization. Select "Next."

  7. The Validate User page displays the employees at your organization who are currently enrolled for access to FAA Access to CPS Online or EDconnect.

  8. Select the name of the user you want to review.

    Note: If one or more services associated with the Electronic Services account needs to be removed (but not all), you must use the “Delete an Existing User or User Rights” function first. After completing that step, return to the “Validate existing Electronic Services Users” option. You must not validate an Electronic Services account if access to any service associated with the account is not needed.

  9. Select either "Validate" or "Delete" and then select "OK." You will be returned to the list of remaining users to be reviewed.

  10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 for each remaining user. You must validate each user on file for your organization. Users who no longer need online access must be deleted.

  11. The process is complete when all users have been removed from the list and the following message is displayed: “All users have been validated or deleted.”

Contact Information

If you have questions, contact CPS/SAIG Technical Support at 1-800-330-5947 (TDD/TTY 1-800-511-5806) or by email at