Posted Date:August 24, 2018
Author: | Federal Student Aid |
Subject: Gainful Employment Electronic Announcement #117 – Gainful Employment Reporting for 2017–18
This Electronic Announcement reminds institutions of the requirement to submit gainful employment (GE) program data for the 2017–18 Award Year to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS®) by October 1, 2018. Institutions may submit the information using the GE online reporting option under the Enrollment tab of the NSLDS Professional Access website, the GE batch file submission option through the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG), or by using the NSLDS Gainful Employment Spreadsheet Submittal Format online upload option.
Detailed information about the use of NSLDS for reporting GE data is provided in the , available on the NSLDS User Documentation page of the Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) website, as well as from the "Resources" section of the Gainful Employment Information Page. Institutions should use information in the guide, most recently updated on March 21, 2018, to submit required GE information to the Department.
Contact Information
If you have questions about using NSLDS to report GE information, contact the NSLDS Customer Support Center at 1-800-999-8219. You can also contact Customer Support by email at
The Gainful Employment Information Page on the IFAP website contains publications and resources on GE as well as Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). If you have a policy question about the GE Regulations that has not already been addressed in the FAQs section of the Gainful Employment Information Page, please submit the question to