Posted Date:August 13, 2018
Author: | Federal Student Aid |
Subject: DHS-SAVE System Available for Schools to Submit Third Step Verification Requests
In the Electronic Announcement (EA) dated June 27, 2018 “Guidelines for All Schools Regarding Submitting Third Step Verification Requests Through the SAVE System,” Federal Student Aid (FSA) explained that the SAVE system was not available for schools due to a DHS-SAVE system hierarchy issue.
We are pleased to report that the SAVE system hierarchy issue is resolved and institutions may resume submitting third step verification requests to the SAVE system. There remain a few circumstances under which the “No records found” error may continue to appear after entering the identifiers for students for whom the institution has received an ineligible second step response. FSA and DHS have identified the issue and expect to have it resolved in the next several weeks.
In the meantime, should the “No records found” error message appear after entering the student’s DHS verification number correctly, and the DHS Verification number was created more than 2 months ago, send the DHS verification number to for the purpose of generating a new DHS Verification number or a successful secondary confirmation of the student’s status.
If this does not result in a successful confirmation, the institution should hold the record until the SAVE solution is implemented in the next several weeks. SAVE access will be available immediately for all records encountering the “No records found” error message once the SAVE solution is implemented. A subsequent Electronic Announcement will notify SAVE users of the change.
New Hierarchy Changes
Primary Destination Point Administrators (PDPAs) will notice the following changes within the new hierarchy:
- Each institution is identified only as a “Group” containing the institution’s Federal School Code (FSC) and the name of the institution. The “Department” is now pre-populated with “FAFSA School Users.” This will be evident when PDPAs are adding third step only users.
- PDPAs responsible for more than one Federal School Code (FSC) consolidated under one User ID will note that, while their third step users will continue to have access to the SAVE system, the PDPA will not have access to add or delete those users. PDPAs impacted by this change must send an email to and request assistance to add or delete users.
Closed Cases in SAVE
If the SAVE response screen indicates that the student’s case is closed (scroll up to the top of the Response screen to see this message), send the DHS Verification number to: for the purpose of generating a new DHS Verification number for resubmission of the student’s immigration documentation to SAVE.
Documenting Immigration Status in Later Award Years
Some students do not require verification by SAVE every year. See for details.
“Parolee” or “Other” Status Responses
For a student to be eligible for Title IV aid under a DHS “Parolee” status, financial aid administrators must collect the following immigration documentation: a document such as a Form I-94 showing the student’s unexpired Parolee status and a document providing evidence that the student is in the U.S. for other than a temporary purpose, which the student may provide on an I-797 Notice. In the past, the DHS paper Form G-845 response required a check mark in the box indicating that the student was paroled for at least one year. Instead, the SAVE system response screen will contain the message, “Application Pending I-485.” Form I-485 is an application for “Lawful Permanent Resident Status” and may be considered evidence that the student is in the U.S. for other than a temporary purpose. This comment must be present in the SAVE system for the student to be eligible for Title IV aid when designated by DHS as having Parolee status.
A SAVE response of “Other” indicates that the student is not eligible for Title IV aid. See the SAVE response comments box for details.
Details on immigration documentation and how to determine whether a SAVE response confirms the student’s status as eligible or ineligible for Title IV aid is available beginning on page 1-36 of Volume 1, Chapter 2 of the 2018–2019 FSA Handbook at:
Instructions and Information
A new DHS-SAVE, Eligible Noncitizen link has been established on the Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) website. Located under the “Information Links” on the right side of the IFAP website, this serves as a repository for all Electronic Announcements, SAVE system instruction documents, Federal Student Aid Handbook, Volume I, Chapter 2: U.S. Citizenship and Eligible Noncitizens, and other information related to eligible noncitizen issues.
FSA appreciates the community’s patience and assistance throughout the transition of this process.