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(Loans) Subject: HEAL Program Information - Maximum HEAL Program Interest Rates for Quarter Ending March 31, 2018

Posted Date:February 1, 2018

Author: Federal Student Aid

Subject: HEAL Program Information - Maximum HEAL Program Interest Rates for Quarter Ending March 31, 2018

This announcement informs Health Education Assistance Loan (HEAL) Program lenders and lender servicers of new HEAL Program interest rates.

The maximum HEAL Program interest rates for the quarter ending March 31, 2018 are now available in the “Current Maximum Interest Rates” section of the HEAL Interest Rates page of the HEAL Information area on the IFAP website. We have also made conforming updates to the “Maximum Interest Rates for Previous Three Quarters” section of the same page.

Contact Information

If you are a HEAL Program lender or lender servicer and have questions about the maximum HEAL Program interest rates, contact the HEAL Program Team at 1-844-509-8957 or

Complete contact information for the HEAL Program is available on two IFAP contact information pages:

Thank you for directing HEAL Program inquiries as outlined on the contact information pages.