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(Campus-Based) Subject: 2012-2013 Campus-Based Reallocation Form and Process to Request Supplemental Federal Work Study Funds for 2013-2014

Posted Date:July 26, 2013

Author: Sue O’Flaherty, Service Director, Program Management, Federal Student Aid

Subject: 2012-2013 Campus-Based Reallocation Form and Process to Request Supplemental Federal Work Study Funds for 2013-2014

This announcement concerns the availability of the 2012-2013 Campus-Based Reallocation Form and provides important information about the reallocation process. This process is used for schools to release unexpended portions of their 2012-2013 allocations in the Federal Work-Study (FWS) and/or Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) programs or to request supplemental 2013-2014 FWS funds for employing students in community service jobs.

We are requesting that each school carefully examine current expenditures under the FWS and FSEOG programs to determine whether there will be any unexpended funds available from 2012-2013 allocations. If funds will be unspent, schools should complete the Reallocation Form described below. Unexpended 2012-2013 funds will be used to provide supplemental FWS and/or FSEOG funds in 2013-2014 to other eligible schools, but only if they are reported by the deadline.

As announced in the "Notice of the 2013-2014 Award Year Deadline Dates for the Campus-Based Programs," the deadline date by which a school must electronically submit the 2012-2013 Campus-Based Reallocation Form is Friday, August 16, 2013 by 12:00 midnight ET.

Completing the Campus-Based Reallocation Form

The 2012-2013 Campus-Based Reallocation Form is available now and must be completed and submitted through the eCampus-Based (eCB) Web site at Note: Paper submissions will not be accepted.

A school must complete the Campus-Based Reallocation Form if it:

1. does not intend to spend its entire 2012-2013 FWS or FSEOG allocation; or

2. wants to request supplemental 2013-2014 FWS funds to employ students in community service jobs (not for any other purpose), and has an FWS fair share shortfall as shown on line 28 of the school's 2012-2013 final funding worksheet, provided with its final allocation letter.

A school may use the attached "Campus-Based Reallocation Form Worksheet" and "Campus-Based Reallocation Form Instructions" to assist in completing its submission.

Accessing and Submitting the Campus-Based Reallocation Form via the eCB Web site

To access the Campus-Based Reallocation Form, log in to the eCB Web site and select the "Setup" link on the top navigation bar. Select the "Reallocation Form" link on the top right side of this page. From that point, follow the instructions for completing the form.

After completing the Campus-Based Reallocation Form, click the "Submit" button. You can verify submission by viewing the Submission Log on your eCB Self-Service page.

Reallocation Process and Impact to Minimum Seven Percent Community Service Expenditure of the FWS Federal Funds

FWS Federal funds released on the Campus-Based Reallocation Form by the deadline date will not be included in the calculation of the required minimum seven percent community service expenditure for a school.

If a school determines during or at the end of the 2012-2013 Award Year that it did not spend at least seven percent of its 2012-2013 FWS allocation as the Federal share of compensation for FWS students employed in community service activities, a portion of its FWS Federal allocation must be released during the reallocation process so that the amount expended for community service activities equals at least seven percent of the adjusted FWS Federal allocation. A school that performs this action will not be considered to have failed the FWS minimum seven percent community service requirement.

Contact Information

For additional information about the Campus-Based Reallocation Form or process, contact the Campus-Based Call Center at 877/801-7168. Customer service representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M. until 8:00 P.M. (ET). You may also e-mail