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(Verification) Subject: Spanish Statement of Educational Purpose for 2013-2014

Posted Date:July 16, 2013

Author: Lynn B. Mahaffie, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, Planning, and Innovation

Subject: Spanish Statement of Educational Purpose for 2013-2014

On January 18, 2013, we published an Electronic Announcement that provided the suggested text (see APPENDIX A) that institutions may use to develop a verification document to collect specific information required to be verified for a particular student or group of students for 2013–2014. Institutions may use the suggested text or develop their own text for all items except one. The one exception is that institutions must use the exact language provided in the “Statement of Educational Purpose” in APPENDIX A for students in Verification Tracking Groups V4 or V5 (see APPENDIX C).

To address concerns raised by the higher education community serving Spanish-speaking students, we are providing the Statement of Educational Purpose in Spanish for students who must sign the statement in person at the institution or before a notary. Other guidance about the Statement of Educational Purpose is included in APPENDIX A. Institutions that provide a Spanish translation of the Statement of Educational Purpose for their Spanish-speaking students must use the exact language provided below:

Declaración de Propósito Educativo

Certifico que yo, ___________________________, soy el individuo que firma esta
[Imprimir Nombre del Estudiante]

Declaración de Finalidad Educativa y que la ayuda financiera federal estudiantil que yo pueda recibir, sólo será utilizada para fines educativos y para pagar el costo de asistir a

___________________________________________________ para 2013–2014.
[Imprimir Nombre de Institución Educativa Postsecundaria]

[Firma del Estudiante]
[la Fecha]

[Número de Identificación del Estudiante]

General Information

If you have any questions about the content of this Electronic Announcement, please contact our Research and Customer Care Center staff. Staff is available Monday through Friday between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Eastern Time) at 1-800-433-7327. After-hours calls will be accepted by an automated voice response system. Callers leaving their names and phone numbers will receive a return call the next business day. Alternatively, you may email the Customer Care Center at