Posted Date:January 25, 2013
Author: | Pamela Eliadis, Service Director, System Operations & Aid Delivery Management, Federal Student Aid William Leith, Service Director, Program Management, Federal Student Aid |
Subject: COD WEB SITE ACCESS - Preliminary Information About COD Web Site Access Change Planned for March and May 2013
Over the last year, we have implemented several new technology security initiatives related to Federal Student Aid system access. In the coming months, we will continue this work to include a change in how authorized users access the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) System via the Web. This change was first introduced to the financial aid community at the 2012 Federal Student Aid Conference (). In this announcement, we provide a high-level summary of our implementation plans for the COD Web site access change.
With the COD Web site access change, authorized users will log in to the COD Web site using an FSA User ID and password as well as the six-digit password generated by the user’s Two-Factor Authentication (TFA) token. All new and existing COD Web site users must be enrolled for COD Web site access by a school’s (or organization’s) Primary Destination Point Administrator (PDPA) via the SAIG Enrollment Web site instead of completing a paper process via the COD School Relations Center.
We plan to implement the COD Web site access change in two phases – the first phase will occur in March 2013 and the second phase will occur in May 2013. The COD Web site access change will apply to all schools, including foreign schools.
COD Web Site Access Change - Implementation Plans
March 9-10, 2013 – In the first phase, we will update the SAIG Enrollment Web site to allow PDPAs to enroll new and existing COD Web site users for the COD Online Service and to allow those users to register for an FSA User ID and password, if they do not already have one. Note: Existing school PDPAs of COD Batch accounts at the time of the March 2013 SAIG Enrollment update will be automatically enrolled for the new COD Online Service and will not need to take immediate action. Full details about this phase will be provided in an Electronic Announcement planned for mid-February 2013.
May 4-5, 2013 – In the second phase, we will change COD Web site login requirements to include entry of an authorized user’s FSA User ID and password, as well as the six-digit password generated by the user’s TFA token. All users must first be enrolled for the COD Online Service. Full details about this phase will be provided in an Electronic Announcement planned for mid-April 2013.
We appreciate your cooperation in providing secure access to Federal Student Aid systems and look forward to working with the school community to simplify COD Web site access. Please continue to monitor the IFAP Web site for additional information about the forthcoming change.