Posted Date:November 19, 2012
Author: | Jana Hernandes, Service Director, Operations, Federal Student Aid |
Subject: Complete 2012-2013 Federal Student Aid Handbook with Index Linked to Entries
We are pleased to announce the release of the indexed version of the 2012-2013 Federal Student Aid Handbook. A PDF version of this document is available on the Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) Web site at
For the user's convenience, the index to the Handbook appears at the beginning of the PDF document, and the index entries are linked to the referenced pages. If the user sees a topic of interest, such as "Professional Judgment," he or she can simply click on the page number to go directly to that page in the Handbook.
Contact Information
We hope that you find the Indexed Handbook a useful tool for locating program guidance. Questions and suggestions concerning the Federal Student Aid Handbook can be sent to