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(Loans) Subject: National Default Rate Briefings for FY 2010 2-Year Rates and FY 2009 3-Year Rates

Posted Date:September 28, 2012

Author: Katrina Turner, Director, Operations Performance Division, Federal Student Aid

Subject: National Default Rate Briefings for FY 2010 2-Year Rates and FY 2009 3-Year Rates

Attached are the National Default Rate Briefings for FY 2010 2-Year cohort default rates and FY 2009 3-Year cohort default rates.

Both briefings are provided in Microsoft Power Point (PPT) format and Portable Document Format (PDF). The PDF file requires 4.0 or greater of the Free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.

Important Note: Some schools have a small number of borrowers entering repayment. At other schools, only a small portion of the student body takes out student loans. In such cases, the cohort default rate should be interpreted with caution.

Contact Information

If you have questions about the briefing, contact us by e-mailing or by calling the Operations Performance Division Hotline at 202/377-4259.