Posted Date:July 28, 2011
Author: | Pamela Eliadis, Service Director, System Operations & Aid Delivery Management, Federal Student Aid |
Subject: Gainful Employment Electronic Announcement #14 - NSLDS Gainful Employment Submittal Template
One of the methods that schools can use to report required gainful employment data to the U.S. Department of Education (the Department) is using the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) Professional Access Web site. When the online reporting option is implemented on September 26, 2011, schools may use the NSLDS Gainful Employment Submittal Template to assist with the online reporting process. While the capability to upload gainful employment information will not be available for several more weeks, the Gainful Employment Submittal Template and instructions allow a school to begin the process of preparing spreadsheets that, in September, can be uploaded to NSLDS using NSLDS Professional Access.
Designed to be used with the Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet application, the template provides schools with the option to upload and submit to NSLDS up to 50 records/rows of gainful employment data at a time. After the school adds gainful employment information to the template spreadsheet, the school then uploads and transfers the data to the NSLDS Professional Access Web site, after confirming the data is correct and should be saved to NSLDS.
The NSLDS Gainful Employment Submittal Template in Excel 97-2003 Workbook format, cover letter, and download instructions will be posted in the next several days on the Federal Student Aid Download (FSAdownload) Web site, under the Software and Associated Documents link.
For an overview of gainful employment functionality on NSLDS and important reminders about gainful employment reporting requirements, refer to the NSLDS Gainful Employment User Guide, posted on the Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) Web site. As noted in the user guide, information on the NSLDS Professional Access online reporting option for gainful employment data will be included in a future update to the guide.
Contact Information
If you have questions about downloading or using the NSLDS Gainful Employment Submittal Template, please send an e-mail to
If you have other questions about the gainful employment regulations, please send an e-mail to