Maintained for Historical Purposes

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(Loans) Subject: Default Prevention Information - New Default Prevention Resource Information Web Page

Posted Date:July 14, 2011

Author: Jana Hernandes, Service Director, Operations, Federal Student Aid

Subject: Default Prevention Information - New Default Prevention Resource Information Web Page

Federal Student Aid is committed to assisting schools with efforts that educate students about their loan repayment obligation, encourage successful repayment, and address delinquent repayment when it occurs. By employing evaluation, prevention, and outreach activities, schools can work in advance to reduce the risk of default by their students. Ultimately, this intervention will assist schools in managing their cohort default rates.

As part of our commitment, we have developed a new Default Prevention Resource Information Web page on the Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) Web site. This page is now available and can be accessed via a new "Default Prevention" icon area on the right side of the IFAP Web site’s home page or directly via the page URL:

Through the Default Prevention Resource Information Web page, Federal Student Aid consolidates delinquency and default prevention resources in one location for schools. Prior to the launch of this Web page, it was necessary for staff to provide schools with individual item-by-item resource listings. The new Web page brings these resources together for easier reference, access, and update. Each time we update this page, a notice will appear on the IFAP Web site’s "What’s New" page and in the IFAP subscription e-mail.

Default Prevention Resource Information Page Organization

The information on the Default Prevention Resource Information Web page is organized into the following key topical areas:

  • Encouraging Successful Repayment

  • Addressing Delinquency

  • Reducing Default Risk

  • Delinquency Reports

  • Cohort Default Rates

  • Training at Your Fingertips

These topical areas are located in the main body of the page. Each topical area is populated with hyperlinked items that will open to the identified default prevention resource.

Along the right side of the page are other useful links to contact information, Web site, training, and guidance resources. These hyperlinked items also open to the identified resource.

Default Prevention and Other Default-Related Assistance

In addition to default prevention assistance, we provide cohort default rate (CDR) support for schools and default resolution support for student and parent borrowers. Our federal loan servicers also provide delinquency and default prevention support for schools and borrowers. To obtain each type of assistance, click on the applicable link under "Contact Information" in the top right corner of the Default Prevention Resource Information Web page.

Included in that area are the following IFAP Web site Contact Information page links:

Contact Information

We are excited to make the new Default Prevention Resource Information Web page available to the community and encourage its active use in expanding default prevention efforts at your school.

If you have questions or need assistance related to default prevention, we are ready to help. Contact us at

If you have questions or need assistance related to CDRs, default resolution, or federal loan servicer support, consult the information provided on the applicable Contact Information page listed above.