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(General) Subject: 2009 Federal Student Aid Conference Information

Posted Date:November 9, 2009

Author: Chris Greene, Communications and Administration Office, Federal Student Aid

Subject: 2009 Federal Student Aid Conference Information

Thank you for registering for the 2009 Federal Student Aid Conference. Do you have a question for the U.S. Department of Education leadership?

Secretary Arne Duncan will address attendees during the General Session on Tuesday, December 1, and Deputy Under Secretary Bob Shireman and Federal Student Aid's Chief Operating Officer, Bill Taggart will host a Town Hall Session on Friday, December 4.

While questions may be asked in person during the session, attendees may also submit questions in advance. If you are interested in posing a question to Secretary Duncan, Bob Shireman or Bill Taggart, you may email them to

Questions will be accepted through Friday, November 20 and will be posed to recipients during each session's Q&A period. When submitting your question, please specify to whom the question should be posed. We will attempt to answer all submitted questions, time permitting.

We look forward to seeing you in Nashville!

Thank You,

Conference Support
Federal Student Aid